
The Life and Times of Peter Green
updated 2 March 2025

I heart U

February 17th

We are loving "Dexter:Original Sin". Extra excited with Sarah Michelle Gellars special guest appearances. Each time Buffy is on the screen we cheer, sad fan boys that we are. Such a good show, so this is an enjoyable part of the Dexter Universe. Though it does give me strange dreams as it's the last thing we watch before bed. I swear I won't wrap the office in plastic and kill Mark. Besides who else would create Marky's Youtube Wednesdays?

We film my segments for the HESSIE mini doco today. Mine are basically filler and highlighting certain areas. I decide to be garish and wear Pauls Woodface hand painted (by Nick) coat. Kind of ugly but a tad fascinating, plus it's Paul CH history so now is the time, Hessie trainspotters will enjoy it.

After filming I head to the bakery for a coffee and a doughnut-my reward. I run into Andrew who does such amazing work for the Philanthropic Collective.

I do bake a homemade hot apple pie…. No I don't bonk it like in the movie!

February 18th

Greg Skyhook is on the TODAY show. About 1.5 million people (at its peak) watch the show. Anyway it's all good PR for the "Living in the 70's" reissue.

I was so happy in the afternoon, spoke to Bongo Skyhook at the hospital and was delighted he sounds great. He sounded really bad a few days ago, to the point that I cried. So when I hung tip the phone there was a tiny bit of joy. Fucking Leukemia, it's an evil shit thing to get.

February 19th

I get top early and go off mountain to fill up the car. Coffee at bakery and straight to the Free Food program. Not as many donations today but we stretch the supplies and everyone is looked after.

Markus Youtube Wednesday and boy it's nice rare good one. This wasn't played a lot live by the Finn Brothers. NIWHAI from Dallas Brookes Hall, Melbourne. February 1996. Classic moment mid song when Tim becomes Shirley Bassey with some lines from "Hey, Big Spender…. Genderbender". Love it. So I'm assuming 5 satellites in one night is five ecstasy tablets? Well that's how I interpreted it. IT's a cool clip, GREAT sound so thank you Mark.

February 20th

A day where I cross all those little things off my list. Sew a button back on my shorts, oil and water in the car, clean Midnights cat toilet, clean our toilet, I head to friends house to photograph their toilet (they are old and need to get it made safe as they are in hospital), pay my car rego, add more books to the pile by my bed, marinate some chicken breasts for dinner. When I type it all out it sure seems like a lot! Way too many toilets!

We are in the final home stretch watching Prisoner. From the 692 episodes we have around 30 to go. It's such an epic thing to view so many and we have done this several times. I wonder what will be next? X-Files, Buffy, Twin Peaks?

The chicken dinner in the crock pot was amazing, I fussed over it, Marky said it's one of the best meals he has ever had, how nice is that.

February 21st

The wind is picking up and the temperature rising. Living in a National Park has its moment, this sort of weather during Summer, we think of bushfires. So when Im having a coffee and all the fire alarms around the mountain go off it rattles people a bit. I check our emergency data area and all ok still, probably just idiots burning off on a No Burn Day, they'll get a hefty fine I bet.

February 22nd

I get home around 11.00 as the Water people are meant to be turning up after 12.30 to check our water pressure and the pressure cap they installed on our mains area. We leave a sign on the door when we are in the office but when it gets to 6.00 pm it's pretty certain they are not arriving. Annoying s they have our home number, my mobile etc but not a word. So a bit Grrr and not nice phone call on Monday from me.

I spend a big part of the daytime working in the yard, it's only 2 acres but even that is hard to control, it's the rain and sunshine, every plant suddenly doubles in size, and ivy tries to take over. Still it is really awesome having this much land and trees, we count our blessings.

We watch some more Dexter-Original Sin which triggers off some pretty oddball dreams with yours truly.

February 23rd

I love that Labor are investing in Medicare. We are so fortunate with our health system here , especially when you look at America's appalling health system.

MURDER has bit of a jump, only 400 views needed to hit 12,000 and 3 weeks to get them, till our beloved Split Enz clip is a year old. So please if you are reading this, click on the link and give MURDER a view. Or enjoy it all over again. Thanks.

February 24th

I sleep in a tiny bit but a hairy cat hand stroking my head wakes me up. It's all over when Midnight wants to get out of bed, so up I get. She's such a good cat , I really don't mind. My furry alarm clock.

I call the Water Company, and I'm not that horrible too them, just enough that they know I want them pull their finger out. They say I should get a call today, why don't I believe them?

My Mums turning 87 soon which is a bit mind blowing, so I decide I must send her 87 birthday cards. I get started on it and mail 12 cards in the afternoon. The hardest thing is working out what to write on each card. She's obviously getting another present and flowers.

I have a bit of a vague feeling about me today, can't put it into words, yesterday I felt so focused, today I am drifting a bit. Could just be the weather or not enough sleep. It will pass.

February 25th

Well I climbed out of bed early to drive to the charity, a certain cat stayed in bed, all snug and cat napping. She is so lucky.

A good day but it seemed to take forever, plodded on. I tried staying focused at charity but by 3.00 we were all rather worn out. I was glad to be heading home soon after. Strangely enough noises traffic.

The water guy turned up & thankfully he called. Turns out our water pressure was over 1200 (it should be 500) , so pressure gauge fixed and he removed some strange addition that the water company added years ago. Nope of us know what it does-maybe control the pressure-it was broken too. Hopefully everything is fixed, next step is to get them to clear the extra $2000 on our bill. Trust me they will.

I had cravings for one of the fish and chip shop hamburgers for dinner so that's the plan. But it changed as the shop was closed, so settled for one of Duncans Olinda pizzas. I will cook a nice meal tomorrow night.

We watch the first of two Underbelly episodes on "Chopper". It still freaks me that he had his ears cut off with a razor blade.

February 26th

The latest Morgan Polling arrived in my In box this morning. Labor had a 2.5% jump so are ahead of the Liberals. (The Libs fell back 2.5%). Labor-51% Libs/Nats-49%.

I have a "grab and run" coffee and go to Olinda Pool as we are short on the boxes we use for all the fruit and food for the needy. I am thinking about early morning laps so chat to my pool manager friend about it as we load the boxes into the car.

Great to see everyone at the Free Food group. A few new faces too, a couple from our Disaster Hub days at Kalorama Oval so thats great.

We get some watermelons today too so I take them down to the pool so the afternoon kids get some free fruit after their swim. It always makes me feel a tiny bit proud that we volunteer for this community effort.

I mail some more birthday cards to Mum including a voucher.

I make a really nice Kofta, great salad, garlic baby potatoes and use some local apples and one plum to bake an apple pie for desert. Markys Youtube Wednesday is up on time and it's Split Enz live from our favourite Enz year 1979. We'd seen the band play so many times in 1979 and recorded a few shows on our dodgy old cassette players. This one is Split Enz from the Tamworth Workers Club…and tomorrow it will be exactly 46 years since the gig (27/2/79). So here they are with nice rarity- "True Colours (Let's Rock)". Thank you Marky as always-brilliant! Love this.

February 27th

I sleep in a tiny bit, think I am a bit worn out. Trying to do too much for too many people.

The line up for coffee is crazy, leaving home 15 minutes always creates these hassles. I feel like I am 15 minutes behind all day.

Charity is overall fun, and the staff are in fine form. Chat music with Mitch , he loves his bands and it's always good conversation.

By mid afternoon I'm feeling "faint" which is pretty much a first. Thankfully I've done everything today so head home early. On the way mail the last of Mums birthday cards. A Power Nap and some chocolate seems to help. That was a bit strange.

February 28th

On the way back from morning coffee I call into Burkes Lookout on Ridge Road and go for a small hike. It's my favourite mini hike spot up here. I take a tiny bag and pick up any stray rubbish bits, mostly cans and plastic. It's lovely part of Mt Dandenong and I will never understand why people just drop their crap. I'm trying to clean this once every week. I get a hike and it takes 5 minutes to pick up some trash.

Some yard work all afternoon, I hardly make a dent. Midnight follows me about, she loves to hang with us outside in the yard. Like Banshee she loves it here, so many things to explore. A happy cat.

Our Prisoner marathon is coming to an end, what will be next? Buffy? Shocked and saddened by the death of Michelle Trachtenberg, who played Dawn- Buffys sister on the show. 39 is way too young to die. Nice posts from all of the Buffy crew.

I cook a Vegetable Korma curry for dinner. I used up loads of veggies in the kitchen and few things from our garden.

March 1st

Autumn…already. We are about to be drowned in leaves here. I have already noticed an increase in them around the yard.

Happy Mardi Gras everyone. Perfect weather in Sydney. You will shine ! Around 200,000 line the streets for the parade and it has some good moments. I do think they need to have a look at the live production, the big breaks between parade floats etc was annoying. Much as I adore Courtney Act she needs to be down on the street among the people. Great to see the Prime Minister Albanese marching again with Rainbow Labor. Dutton the dud doesn't give a shit about gay, etc people. I see Kylie was performing her show down the road bit and that live cross over message for Mardi Gra was kind of neat.

March 2nd

I sleep in, on purpose. I feel full recharged now, bounced right back to my old extremely good looking self (HA!).

Marks working in the office on this fine Sunday , on the HESSIE mini doco so I answer emails and finish up on this diary-thank you Deb.

Sad to read that New York Dolls frontman David Johansen has passed away, I knew he'd been sick. I bought the New York Dolls debut album when I was 13. Possibly it was on my birthday, the cover intrigued me. Such a cool band. Another sad loss for the music industry. The last of the original Dolls too. So all of today we'll be playing New York Dolls in our office… and cranking up the volume.

"You stop and stare as I'm leavin' my favourite place
We have no regards, y'can't even find a trace…" (NYD 'Subway Train').

PG xxx

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Entries appear as Peter Green types them. Spelling, grammar, and content are his fault/responsibility <grin>.