The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 1 January - 14 January 1997
Jan 1st 1997
So here we are a crisp fresh new year...time to dispose of all the crap we
carried around through '96. A clean slate is offered to all of us.Time to
Time to change! Time........god is it THAT late. here we are at the
gigantic Dock party and I did it...wore a sailor suit (grin)...with the new
short black
haircut. gee suprise about 100 other people in Sailor suits turn up.....and
5000 other outfits.....even a guy in a glittery Reindeer outfit...with a
soft bunny tail that everyone is squeezing. Spend most of the night on the
dance floor with Rebecca...my feet ache for the next week. This is a great
way to spend New years and everyone is getting down....happy-no drunken
yobbos picking
fights and the lightshow is amazing....the lighting rig changes shape...cool.
We leave about 5.00 and the goddess shines...a lone taxi cruises
by...Rebecca throws herself in front of it, Mark and Melissa grab the doors
and we announce to everyone...this is OUR taxi. As we drive through the
city the taxi ranks are full of hundreds of people waiting....
We wake up at midday and head to Prahran for food,Virgin Marys is doing a
roaring trade...people still arriving,the top balcony is full.Party on.
Sal calls from the Uk where it's minus 10. She made the local paper posing
in a "party mood".She tells me that Recurring Dream is at #10 for album of
the year.....wonder if weve sold our million copies there yet. I notice
SpaceHog are in the UK top 30 with "In the meantime"-hope it does
well-really good song.
Feel ok today-it's strange to climb out of the shower in the morning with a very
short haircut.
Jan. 2nd
Amanda from Grants office arrives today-she's in melbourne suprising friends.
She's great to have in the office-makes our life a lot easier. She wants brekky
at the Elephant while she is in town. Phew the next few days are going to be
hot. have Indian for dinner (yummo). Have brekky with Spock and Maz from BCO.
Maz came up with a "nice" Australia expression......"a boner so hard that
even a dog wouldn't chew on it" arghhhhhhh rude boy. Look at you all
blush.There goes
the new years resolution of not being so "crude". Sorry Diary readers.
Jan. 3rd
Call Noel and we discuss the Enzso artwork for the new tshirt. he has the
roiginal design for the Enzso columns...this could look good.So he;s going
touch them up and Spock and myself will work out the other areas. Just got
our ARIA top 100 albums for '96 and Recurring Dream was #6 for the year,#1
Aussi artist. Phew its still hot.
Jan 4th
Clean up the garden,John and caroline return from India tomorrow. Carolines
Mum and dad drop in and mow the lawn (I only did them 2 days ago).
I'm playing the Fauves "Future Spa" album-love "Dogs are the best people" JJJ
played it a lot. Rebecca got me onto them-the fauves and Deadstar are her
fave bands at the moment.
Meet Amanda at Prahran station with Becky-a group of us started out at the
Elephant and now we are about to go there again...we all have different
clothes on. The weather is getting sticky sweltering hot...Amanda can't
believe how hot it is. We go into dangerGirl on Greville St and she buys a
cooler outfit and walks out wearing it (yes she paid). The Elephant boys
are in fine form today,
they end up covering each other in tomato sauce and drinks.
The airconditioner at belmore is working overtime.....half of melbourne
must be sleeping nude on their beds tonight. Even the possums outside the
kitchen window
look hot. Wonder how Nicks new years Eve went at the castle.?
Jan 5th
Answer tonnes of emails-Deb keeps forwarding them-glad she liked her Xmas
present. John and caroline arrive home with some great India-related
Not sure about the hats guys! Eddie calls from NZ and wants to know if
anyone is working on this tour. I'm pieved because everyone assumes I
am...it's nice to be asked guys.....so i make Eddie ask me....even though
I've been doing stuff all month.
Jan 6th
Club member Stu sends me an address for Prince Planet and Sarah Frost has a
contact who has some Japanese animation books. Finally a guy from the
Prince Planet Foundation in America is in contact. Thanks everyone for
attempting this mission.....it was a wonderous moment when Prince Planet
appeared on my computer screen. Who was it that said I now look like Prince
Planet with my new haircut.?
I'll take it as a compliment...at least I dont squeek when I walk like
Astro Boy. Move over Astro Boy the Prince returns......
Recurring Dream is now SIX platinum here...tomorrow we get the first charts
for 1997...wonder if we are #1 still.
Jan 7th
Well the charts are in and it's good news,I had a feeling we would drop to #3
...but I am happy to say that the Crowdies are still at #1. Enzso is a bullet
performer too...it's jumped from #51 to #31.
kelly from nasa always sends me some incredible stff....the latest is how the
Cassini spacecraft is being fitted out in a protective garb (Space blanket?)
for it's trip to saturn. Well we all like to get new outfits before we travel.
Wonder if it's silver and Gold?...and speaking of flying-notice that our
friend Richard (Branson) is flying his balloon around the world in 18
days......have a bad feeling about this...these balloon flights always end
before they get started.
Madonna is finally on Ophra ....it's all a bit of
an Evita promotion really and Maddy gave Ophra a few bad looks as she fed
words into her mouth.
Really don't like Ophra after she was busted spending a million $$$ on furs
each year...ych.
Jan 8th
It's Pauls Birthday so I give him a call- he spoke to neil on new Years eve..
Paul and the family have been down at Wilson Prom. It's a great coastline
area in Victoria...we all go down there-we should all put in and buy a
Might suggest it to them all.
Speak to Noel again about the design.....the Enz
best of album is delayed till mid year. It's too much of a cash in on Enzso
....and the last thing we want is for the Enz good name to be damaged.
Jan 9th
Linda in the USA sends me a great Xmas prezzie a unique Gryphon
Mug......decide to keep it on my desk and hold pens.....that way it will
survive longer. it's a nice thought-and it's something you don't see often.
Jan 10th
Spock blows out brekky he's really busy with Richard Pleasances "Felt" clip,
he's doing animation. i work on some coverart for most of the day. We get
some faxes in. Recurring Dream has now done 1.1 million copies in
England...and is now #9 on the Spanish charts and is almost Platinum in
Spain. We keep on geeting letters from Spanish fans asking when they will
tour..........what do you say.
haven't heard from neil for awhile...keep faxing him stuff. I think he's
down at the beach house. he'll start work on his solo stuff in march.
Jan 11th
Go with becky, her Mum and Grandma to Pauls beach cafe. beckys Mum has
always wanted to go there-they are reserving a table for us with a view of
the Bay.
Yum Pancakes for brekky...havent had them in ages. later on Paul,mardi and
SundAy arrive and one of the nieces. The niece saw Nick at Byron when he
was there with Deadstar. Paul is wearing these black jeans with holes in
the knees.
Sunday is so pretty-we all make plans to run out the door with her. It's
good to see Hessie....we hug forever....make a note to see more of him.
he's like he used to be....close to happy. Phone Peter Jones place and the
answering machine is on......where is that boy. Play "Dragster for
Xmas"-once again a fauves Song.
Go back to beckys and weed her garden. We head to Prahran and shop for an hour.
...manage to get one of the new Bonds green "terry" tops....great price and
very Australian.
Jan 12th
order tshirts for Enzso...they will be Grey and Royal Blue...bored of
whites and blacks.Too many. Spiderbait are #1 on the JJJ hottest 100...not
sure how Ch went, there were 29 Aussi artists in the Hot 100. I voted did
you? Hopefully
the club members will make the effort to vote in the Rolling Stone Readers Poll-
weve been telling everyone too,it doesn't take much effort and the voting
forms are in Rolling Stone magazine,the band have done a lot for the fans
its a nice way for all of us to say thankyou. Wow Weezer are #9 with El Scorcho
great song. OK it's true I like Weezer.
Jan 13th
Try to get some more Opera House programmes. The demand is on. Have a BBQ
downstairs,eat fish for the first time in 5 years (I think)....it's a clear
Australian night...the stars are really amazing over this part of the
so clear you could almost float up to them. I think i couldn't live
anywhere else. A cool change rolls in,and we all have a collective
sigh.Melbourne Rules.
Jan 14th
Finish the artwork for Talking sense, have to get some red tape cleared
and then we'll have it underway. The charts are in and Romeo and Juliet
have bumped the Crowdies off the #1 spot- we are #2 everywhere...hey the
albums been out for SIX months so this isn't a bad effort. ENZso took a
small drop too from #31 to
#33...only two spots...it moved up 3 spots in Victoria to #35. Weve just
been told that A Current Affair are going to be filming the ENZso
Rehearsals and they are expected to be shown on the Jan 30th show. So a few
Australian VCRS will click on that night. Enzso has about 10,000 copies to
go before it's double Platinum in OZ. NZ management have asked me to go
over for the NZ shows.....so
I guess I'm on the whole tour.
Thats about it for now dear Diary....speak to you in 2 weeks.
PS-Just heard that Everything is Good for You was #67 on the JJJ Hot 100,thanks
for voting everyone.
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