The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 22 June - 5 July 1997
June 22nd
Dear Readers, first off apologies- I've just jumped from the office
chair and have ignored my duties with the Diary Site.....what earth shattering
event has dragged me away from my beloved site! The Brady Bunch Variety Hour
(a repeat)...has just started on cable. Talk about the gamut of emotions. Do you
laugh or cry when you see what young Bobby Brady has become...that huge affro-
no doubt inspired by tv dad Mike. Of course to confuse us all there is the fake
Jan....I remember this started all those rumours about the real Jan being dead!
The best line belongs to Alice...who wanders in on a sketch with the lines of
"never fear Alice is here,with 70lbs of emergency gear". The red,star-spangled
flares flip and fly as those Bradys gyrate,singing "Yanky Doodle Dandy". To top
all this,the special guests are :Lee Mayors and Farrah Fawcett....it's just too
So where were we........ah yes the 22nd. Well tonight Hessie is back at The
Esplanade-St Kilda. They received so many calls about the "Shed" nights that
he's decided to do it again. I think the final night will be July 27th. Sean
Kelly from The Models is one of tonights special guests. The Shed itself has
had a few minor adjustments (as one does,to ones shed)...a new table is onstage
and a new kitchen chair.
Heard Tims acoustic/pop version of Regurgitators "Nothing to say",would love
to have it out as a club single or something,it's really good.
June 23rd
Get a call from ex-Crowdies drummer Peter Jones.They start rehearsing new Bass
players tomorrow and then an extra guitarist. We talk a little about Nick, he's
still in Los Angeles.......must be strange for him. Hope he doesn't focus all
this back on Neils breaking up of the house......it's been over a year now...
June 24th
Well it's week #50 and Recurring Dream s still hanging around in the Australian
top 50......only 2 weeks to go and then it's been a year. It's at #44 (was#46)
so it's hanging on by a thread......
"Bringing down the Horse" by the Wallflowers is the office favourite Cd this
month.....that Jakob Dylan -brilliant. Rosemaree drops in the latest update
so we start on those. The club keeps getting new members,it hasn't slowed down
one bit.....go away,shoo,leave me alone...(not really)
June 25th
Go visit Australia Post...have a 11.00 meeting about a possible 50,60 ,70's
stamp series for mid '98. We talk about Crowded House being used in the next
series. The designs look great.
Pete from Mental as Anything gets in contact about using this painting of
his on the upcoming Enz "Best Of". Noel and Nigel have pulled some images
off Vid.
clips-two images work ok, the rest didn't make the grade. I throw some old art
work in,including the Chryslais Fortune Teller cover.....but i really like
Pete's painting the best. Try to get all the band to see all these ideas, if
we don't ,the Enz wheels will start grinding to a halt and we'll mess up the
Well it's Tim Finns birthday, give him a call. he said he knew I'd remember,
does this mean no one else did? Marie threw him a suprise party a few days
earlier...which was nice. He's excited about going to Hong Kong and asks us
about the Tim site, which finally looks like being up July 7th,as soon as
Christina gets back from her work related travels. Also i delayed it by adding
a few updated areas.
Watch "Tank Girl" tonight,very cool, love the music and the comic overlay bits.
Naomi Watts as Jet Girl is very sexy, she looks like our buddy Toija! It's the
June 26th
Have dinner with Spock and Katie......Spock cooks, thai chicken (yum)....still
on my malaria tablets so my appetitie seems depleted. We go through a few
bottles of wine, had a really nice night. get home at 3.00. Raise my glass
Jacque Cousteau who died ): That's so sad, he was a hero of mine and was one
of the few french famous people who stood up to Chirac and told him how fucked
he was testing bombs in the pacific. Would anyone care if Chirac died....? No!
Good I'm glad we all agree on that (as if you have any choice readers) (grin).
June 27th
Peter Jones turns up,....eating a pie. Is that anyway for a celebrity to act...
slurping and munching....at least he finished it before I did the photo shoot
of Mr Jones and his gold records.Spain and Belgium for Recurring Dream. Nick's
Deadstar replacement is Peter McCracken (ex Plums).
Our friend Johnny is frantically getting all his gear ready to start work on
these songs of his. It's so good to have him finally entering the studio.
We were considering building a studio onto Belmore just so "Johnny could
enter the studio". We have lift off teenage rocket boy! Now all we need is
for you to get
this album out into the shops. Sad that so many damn great songs are sitting in
the wings waiting,while so much crap gets released.......hang in there Jj
it will happen.
June 28th
Well Becky gets her bellybutton pierced and I'm considering a second ear ring.
You'll here us coming a mile away from all the metal rattling.......then
again I'm sure her bellybutton ring doesn't rattle...does it?
Work on the Skyhooks site till 3.00 in the morning. Deb is going to put it up
via As Was........should be fun. The 'Hooks basically pioneered the Australian
music scene. Their debut album sold the equivalent of 15 gold records. Two of
the band members suggested to Mushroom that they sign Split Enz to their
(at that time) small stable of acts. I wonder what the Enz would of done if
they wern't signed? Hard to say. Anyway if you are intrigued the address
for the
'Hooks website is http://www.aswas.com/skyhooks/
We are still assembling pieces for it-photos,logo etc but some of the text is up
and we should have the rest (including an unreleased tune) on the site soon.
June 29th
The coffee at the Elephant was fantastic today. Maz and Spock also turn up, so
we hog a few tables......laugh and gossip. Nice morning. BCO tour in September,
their new album will be called "Gizmo Mantra".
June 30th
Well Eddie Rayner is in Sydney at the moment,working away at studio 301,he's
remastering the Enz songs for the Spellbound album. There may be one or two
changes in the track listing.....we'll have details next Newsletter. Hayden
(god bless him) gets Pete's artwork over to Eddie to have a look at,so it's
another step closer to getting a cover.
A really young fan is waiting at p.o. box 333 today....have a chat and she makes
me sign her club folder......the other post box people stare...by this stage I'm
sure my glowing red embarrassed face could melt any permafrost layer. I was too
scared to ask her how long she'd been waiting,at least the post boxes are
inside now,so it;'s a bit warmer. In the eighties fans would wait at 333
and the boxes
were all outside....brrrrrrrr.
July 1st
Rosemaree drops in the first completed draft for the Famous for 16 minutes Book.
It's great, so many of you have sent photos in (Passport size please) for the
photo collage that's going to be printed inside. You are running out of
time,so dont delay pop a photo into the post to: p.o. box 333 Prahtran Vic.
3181 Aust.
Jj starts recording today- 3 songs...and Andrew Duffield (another member of the
Models) is also working on the album. Recurring Dream is still in the top 50
at #44 for week #51. Yieks, it's so close.One week to go.
Nigel Griggs calls looking for a courier that can pick up some of the Luton
copy masters and get them up to Eddie, I think 1 or 2 songs are going to be
pulled for "Spellbound". Paul from Mushroom comes to our rescue,he's really
to work with- it's great having a "real person" at a record company,that makes
the extra effort. Michael Gudinski give this man a pay rise! The other good
is that Phils Private Lives will be out around October and keep an ear open
for the extra "hidden" track (Not listed)...it's from Phils USA EP. More in
the club
newsletter& yes available via the club.
July 2nd
Greg from the 'Hooks jumps up and plays bass with Dave Warner from the Suburbs,
at Melbournes Continental. Greg has penned a short story in Dave's new book.
Barry -he writes for WHO magazine,is writing a book called Fandom, and keeps
missing me for some interviews that I'm doing for it. Could be fun. Just got in
the free "StageTalk" cds-we are sending them out to club members who have been
in the ranks for 10,9,8,7,6 and completed their 5th year as clubbers. As you can
guess we are using every cent for these.......but it's a good thing to do.
I think the Crowded House/Enz fans are the most loyal of the batch, and anyone
that supports a band for a decade deserves a free cd. The final track is titled
"Fuck'Em" and is Paul Hester encourageing the audience to chant loudly "Fuck the
Industry"...... Nigel put this together and Spock has created some spooky art.
It came out really well....except for 1 or 2 incorrect dates where the
stage talk came from......
July 3rd
Looks like Phil will have 1 or 2 of his paintings up forsale on Deb's Internet
art gallery [http://www.inthemoment.com] ....maybe a few other people. I think i'll offer one of mine.
hey cmon,I've sold 5 out of 5 .......100% sold.......have a pretty weird
oil painting which could be the one. I'll just let the various New York
fight over it...ok how about the Brunswick Street Coffee shops arm wrestle
over it. If Blue Poles can sell for a few million, a Green original is
worth at least
a few buck$.........stick to the Diary Site-OK I hear you guys......geeez.
We rush through all the morning stuff at Prahran and head to the world famous
Elwood Beach Cafe for our band meeting with Uncle Hessie. We're on time, he's
late...but not by much. H e has that hat on and is wearing his Hester grin.Weve
just finished doing a handbill drop for the "SHED" shows so we look like shit.
"Hi Boys" between hugs and calling for coffee. Our Melbourne office is going to
be involved in some aspects of Paul and The Largest Living Things future......
we are all taking it slow. Basically an EP will be released first,to test
the waters and to get some airplay and the name out. The album is nearly
ready to go, so I guess (like the rest of Melbourne) we are all looking for
a deal! He
keeps saying "What IS Tim doing in Honkers".....all I can do is laugh.......
Paul has told me to make mention on the Diary Site that you Melbourne-ites
coming down to the Shed shows, bring your favourite "spread" and Paul and
band will make Toast for you on stage and bring it to you. See this band is
dying to please you.
After the meeting we drop him home and check out his new house, yes Paul
has moved on from Wave Street. Rosie and Stan love the new house,and as
promised I
have found out the name of Sundays pet cat......she's called Wednesday. It has
a great yard for the kids (Sunday and the animals) to run wild in.
July 4th
Hayden starts work on his material,recording in Melbourne. Tempted to crash the
recording session as a backup singer....but it might put him off!Hope he turns
up for coffee at the Elephant...he knows what time. We think Miss Candy has
her eye on him!
The traffic is really bad on Chapel Street today, the Phoenix slithers
down the
street avoiding all the pot-holes (not that sort of pot Becky).....and who
should we spot...yes VIVIENNE. She's just had her hair done, an incredible
shade of purple, with a great faux coat on.......I wave and she runs up to
the car....
Mark opens his window ...just in case she has her murderous telephone with her.
Just as we are saying Hi,I spot a break in the traffic and take the plunge....
bye VIV. We drop in 3 mailbags at the post office,we can just carry them.....
there has to be an easier way.
Get a strange call from Amanda who is now working for Neil in NZ.....he's after
some of the master tapes? Maybe our dreams of a rarities cd might happen. Hope
so,so many good songs that have never been released. We may have some news in
the next issue.
Roswell special on tv. Notice they interviewed some people at
Manns Chinese Theatre.....if you look closely in the background you can see
our reflections ....the person being interviewed was next to us.....I chickened
out. Wasn't too bad, sadly i 'm starting to agree that all the trashy Roswell
saucer Crash stuff just makes it into a giant carnival....and pushes
whatever truth there is further away. The only thing of real interest was a
metal shaped
object which was handed onto the investigators by a woman at Roswell. It was
tested and found to be so pure that it couldn't of been made on Earth. That's
the sort of evidence that is needed. Project "Mogul" at least makes it a
possibility instead of just a normal old weather balloon.....but why all
security,and why two trucks to remove all the debris from one balloon with radar
reflectors.....beam me up Clinton!
July 5th
Happy 50th Birthday Roswell! All the babies born today,surely someone must
name their child Roswell. Works for me.
MAC gets her diary book photos done with her ferrets........can't wait to see
them......yes we do accept animal snaps as part of the photo area.........
Looks like I'll be off to NZ for a few days for the Crowdies Book release.
Hope to catch up with our lucky 12,000th reader Kiri...for lunch. So with a bit
of luck I'll bend Neils arm for a listen of some new songs.....something to look
forward to.......that's all for now. take care Peter.
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