
The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 12 March - 26 March 2000

March 12th

Get a call from Cath at EMI....she's sending down a Gold record for Afterglow for Australia for our office. Told her to send Nicks and Paul's too as Nick will be back in Australia in July - I think that's what he said. Still a way to go before we are platinum here.....but it's ticking over.

Already receiving emails from fans wanting answers to some of the questions in the wacky F/16 quiz....will put all the answers in this diary site somewhere.....later on.

March 13th

Pay Foxtell, cable fee just seems to roll around very quickly,always seem to be paying it.

Cosmo now tries to headbutt the office door down from her Atrium "den".... she just wants in. Decide we can't always give into this bundle of fur...or it will be sleeping in the bed while we live in the palm trees in the plant room.

No.96 is on cable...an Australian classic from the seventies. Probably one of the first tv soapies to have full frontal nudity...we are talking the seventies here.....amazing eh!

March 14th

Tania drops in, wants to borrow a Seventies costume for a thing at work...brings young Jake along. So we are all upstairs in my gigantic bedroom and she is trying on costumes- glitter jump suits and satin combinations, and jackets and velvet, and silver knee high boots........little Jake just kills himself laughing at how wacky Mum looks especially in a bra, knee high boots and silk pants! Just so GLAM!!!!!!!!!

I "lend" Jake my metal helicopter and tell him that it is really old (like me) and he has to take good care of it....Tania tells me he fell asleep with it wrapped in a towel...because I told Peter I would look after it!! Cool eh.

March 15th

Yey the new Mouse is at the Mac shop....find a good park, in front of this Greek shop that has great Greek tempting morsals! Yes I am weak! Everytime I go into the Mac shop I feel like they are all trying to make "target" and are selling me something.....I escape with my new mouse (covered by warranty).

Lovely Bic Runga wins International achievement award at NZ 2000 Music Awards. She is so damn good, I hate being so far away from her.....looks like her album will come out later this year around the same possible time as Neil's newie.

Do some fake "Yes they lived with us" white lies for some friends who are trying to get a new house.....hope it helps. I pretend this is not telling a lie..it is. Punish me now!

had a nice surprise today- all these emails from people saying thanks for stuff, mainly around Neil and we are glad you are staying on...really touching some of them....computers are good because you can go all red faced when you reply and no one can tell....

March 16th

Happy Birthday Amanda.....the boys send her some fluffy dog eared flowers.

Did I mention Debs Buffy surprise. This parcel arrives and its the Buffy Chuppa Chups tin.... I spotted one recently and really loved it....I am such a Buff head! Anyway Deb spotted one and just sent it....so if my sugar levels drop I can grab a chuppa chup. Girls always look better licking these......I try to be sensual but fail. I have been told I am a good kisser but I fail the sexy Chuppa Chups contest...will have to practice more.

Hey here are the correct answers for the F/16 Wacky Finn quiz......how did you do?

1/-A   2/-B   3/-c   4/-A   5/-C   6/-A   7/-A   8/-B   9/-C   10/-C   11/-B   12/-C   13/-B   14/-C   15/-C   16/-B   17/-B   18/-C   19/-A   20/-C

It was fun doing this, half the emails each day related to this quiz.....we may do a music one further down the track- glad you guys had fun with it. Stop asking about the removed Penis question...be nice!

Oh Neil called today....which was good....has a few ideas and per usual we danced around each other. It's just me.....sometimes I think we are two icebergs and we bump together but there is so much more below the surface ........not in a bad way...just in a way! He is good, taking his time with the next c.d....... he told me I sound great, I'm really recharged. I double checked that I am working for him still (grin).

March 17th

Well have a look at the new Meade LX200 telescope 12" for the farm....the best part about this telescope is that it is so incredibly precise...it permits the positioning of every selected object on every commercially available CCD chip automatically....the onboard database has nearly 65000 objects...so cool.....god I knew I'd be stuck in a room with a telescope and the heavens.

We have also talked about me getting a Sirius mini observatory....we have nick named it the Forest Loo. It just reminds me of a portaloo (grin) but it could be funky. Sirius are Australian made....and will deliver to the Forest house.....so if you want to check out my portaloo head to their website..... www.peninsulafibreglass.com.au be careful as I first typed in www.penis firbreglass...a small mistake...but I got sent to some nice porn sites (arghhhh).

Mail out some FORUM II flyers for LLT. They are playing at one of those double shows.

Ben calls in and adds some new software to the Imac for the office.....really great as it will save us many hours.

Nigel Griggs calls and the Enz members are going through Video footage......and other stuff. Picks my brain for knowledge....I end up talking potatoes and beetroot and water systems with him. Peter Green the farmers friend! Sounds like the title of a kids book.

March 18th

Jen Rundall is the lucky 70,000th reader of this site. She wins a months worth of good luck during April. Thankfully she got the dinner with Mark pun.....but every so often she will mention it ..........but Marky only has eyes for........! Oh what's her name.......nah better not. I love creating rumors around Mark- he is such a studd muffin.

Fran calls by with food so we watch 200 cigarettes on dvd....yes that Paul Rudd man and Miss Courtney (Love of course)....we play spot the friend- Fran instantly worked out her and Lara...... good movie.

Aileen emails me that Wes Bentley looks like being Lestat now instead of Mr Cruise- could be good, hope it is still being filmed here......I keep thinking of really good "locations" for it, maybe they should hire me afterall.

Wow 70,000 hits...I know some sites have millions but my little ol' Diary site is taken back that people still visit her.....

Well the lovely Guy Pearce is back in Melbourne town....one of my Babble boys said he came in for coffee and looked gaunt in the face.....he's treading the boards doing a play....we like Guy. More success to him.

March 19th

...and speaking of babble...Tania knocks on the magic door and makes her mind up and doesn't go away ...we head off for breakfast. She thought I was gossiping this morning.....never!

Drives us to Camberwell to pick up our cdrs.....we find a second hand copy of APT Pupil on dvd a little bit of a mind fuck. Ian McKellen and Brad Renfro. Mckellen is by far one of the best things to come out of England...what a talent he is. basically its the story of this student- Todd Bowden who discovers that an old man living in his hometown is a wanted nazi war criminal. It gets out of control and becomes this twisted psychological dangerous game.........I'm beginning to think I am a man of extreme- one day Rommey and Michelles High School reunion the next Nazi war criminals.

At 4.00 it starts to rain.....finally , we are over all this sun......bring your misery down on me! The air is so saturated.....it's like being a goldfish.........hope it rains for a month. It stops by 4.15. Drat!!!!

March 20th

Mailed Duges from the crew a copy of Afterglow......I forgot to send Paul in NYC his copy. I am a dizzy blonde.....I usually never forget ...sorry Paul- he score done anyway from EMI. What was Dugald doing when I called......I was too scared to ask!!!

Sent off all the names for the doorlist for Tim's private show...JP tells me they had a bucking broncho machine....and he ran out the door before trying it. This surely isn't the Jp we love so much!!!

Tims Say it is so is getting some great raves, the club still has copies if anyone needs one.

Spoke to my treeman (Arborist).....I am worried it's getting rather top heavy.....they are bigger then Jacks bean stalk.......so where's the goose? I need those eggs to pay off my Amex.

The CD/Collector fair is coming up this Sunday March 26th. The club will have a table at the fair, all monies raised go to help get a new printer for us. It's at the Camberwell Civic centre, the club stall is in the foyer to the right as you walk in. Doors open at 9.30. We are taking Tim and Neils Enz costumes along so fans can check them out at close range. I checked Tims jacket for banana skins....empty (phew). See you there.

March 21st

25 years ago Skyhooks went to #1 on the Australian singles chart (Horror Movie) and #1 at the same time on the Australian album charts (Living in the seventies). I was a youngster and heard them on radio and decided I wanted to work in the music industry, along with my bestest friend in the universe Mark.......anyone interested in some very odd Australian musical culture head to http://www.aswas.com/skyhooks/ Skyhooks were also responsible for getting Split Enz signed to Mushroom records.

Hmm some people have asked what artists I like.......obvious ones like Warhol, Vali Myers, Peter and Reg O'Doherty, Judd, Ray Turner, Mark Ryden, this guy who sells his stuff through a pawn shop on Chapel St, Rosaleen Norton, anyone who can paint........sometimes I just love one piece of work...

I only like 3 of my own paintings.....Mark has one.....Mark Ryden got me into Ray Turner......Robbie Porrit has some good moments....I have his big Space painting in my dining room......it's huge, but so is Robbie (dick joke- sorry).

March 22nd

Tim cd launch tonight...haven't asked him if he enjoyed it but some fans who went told me they did and sent some thankyou emails. Afterglow needs to do about 2000 units to hit Gold in NZ.

I was up very early today...a small cyclone was twirling in my head in the wee hours of the morning and I was restless and a bit tragic......and just stopped short of doing things to my pillows!!!????? So surprised " X" who called and was out the front and came in for coffee.

Got a life threatening hug but instead of making me feel better kind of made the cyclone spin faster........so we had coffee and talked a bit....and I settled....a bit scatty. Scatty is Ok.....as long as the madness doesn't creep in (grin). Anyway felt a bit lopsided all day. Quieter then usual. hey the world needs a rest from my mouth.

Bic called and I just missed her, can't believe she is off to India. Told Campbell that Jj would be good in her band, he is a good guitarist and the girls and boys would like him!

See Jj at the coffee shop and Toija joins us- she wants to borrow my secret agent recorder.... after ten years it still works.....I use it to record work on the road. It's voice activated so I can find out exactly who is sleeping with whom...o.k. our crew is professional...none of that co habitation stuff whilst that Neil Finn is around (grin). Ok maybe some.

March 23rd

Work all morning, pay the home loan.....breakfast was great this morning. Fran at babble (yes another Fran in our life) did well...YUMMO! I went into the kitchen and told her.......

Head to the other side of town to drop in a present, call into a book shop at Northcote and the guy behind the counter says I know you- are you on tv...in a magazine. I think he saw a photo at the coffee bar in one of those glossy magazines.....had to be it. I went a bit shy.....not sure why. he didn't weird me out , just wasn't expecting it. Next I head to an Italian takeaway for some food and this girl is serving me and says "do I know you......are you on tv"........it was freaky. I kept feeling like I was in a scene from The Fugitive. It must be a photo in a free magazine.

Dropped in to see Ben and he said I was wearing my "familiars face"..... must be it because his cats both attached themselves to me and they never do....... sat outside had coffee, a great day to just chill out.

Cook Ravioli for dinner while Mark surfs the net.......

March 24th

Equinox over so the night now becomes longer than the day...explains why I am sleeping better.

The leaves are falling...and the odd few blow across the rooftops into the Atrium and our natural vacumn cleaner Cosmo EATS them.

Into the city and catch up with Vali. She is heading off to Positano again soon and maybe Russia. She also blows me away.....tells me I have to come back in next week as she wants myself and a good friend Mishka to be in charge of the Vali Myers Foundation if anything happens to her......like this is a BIG honour. I am trying to stay cool around it but it's trippy.

She shows me the latest copy of.......hell I forgot the name, its a NYC glossy...anyway it has a multipage story on Vali in that heaps of glossy photos of her art......totally forgot. But if anyone works it out and gets a copy let me know...think it starts with "C".....

Get back to the office by 3.00 and start going through stuff for the Camberwell fair.....this Sunday. It's getting harder to do these, I know the fans love the day as we get so many letters/emails but I cherish my Sundays.....we always say it's the last and then everyone hassles us and we give in.

Mark stays up and watches the fly......the scene where his ear falls off is the best. Hmm the guys ear fell off in the X Files last night too......things happen in threes.........CLOMPPPP! Oh my god my ears, they've just popped off right onto top of the Imac.....well my eyes and fingers are ok so I will continue......see I do this for you guys. Forget the pain and blood seeping out of the gaping hole on the sides of my head......I will continue......but only till the blood coagulates the keyboards into a solid mass.,...........oh it's getting hard to t y p e.

See you a t th e collect ors fair! (I'll be the one with no ears).


March 25th

Hmm well this F/16 update is a bit late...we got lost in cyberspace...so anyway I am adding a few extra days to catch up......sorry to all our regular readers.....I even went as far as waking poor Deb on her pager at some hideous hour of the morning...she was too nice. I wouldn't of been....add another Dinner to the list of ones that I owe you ..Deb. [editor's note: no problem - I actually had to get up anyway!]

Hear from Neil and his c.d is out in September....still working on a few songs....and the possible regional Aussie dates are not happening- just Byron Bay at this stage. Hmm would love to go....

Spend the afternoon labelling stuff for the fair.

March 26th

Turn back the clocks, the equinox is over so there is now more night then day.....so we get to sleep in an hour...great if you are up with the birds for the fair. I wake up feeling o.k.......Mark is in the kitchen telling Hairball how happy he is heading to another collectors fair (NOT).

Well Harry from the club makes history by greeting us in the car park...hey harry let us set up first actually he forgot daylight savings was over....it was nice that he helped us carry everything in.

A lot of regulars-Kate, Claire, Rosemaree turned up early....but also many new faces. I was amazed at how expensive everyone else' prices were, the club stall was bargain city compared to all the others. Every cent went towards a new colour laser printer for the club...getting there.

This time I shouted Louise tea.

That's all for now....you can find a few words from Neil Finn on his website (www.frenz.com/neilfinn) in the "news" area.

cheers everyone and thanks Deb.


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