The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 2 May - 12 May 2001
May 2nd 2001
this update comes from Germany and the kezyboard is back the front with a few
letters so apologies up front for the typing mistakes......this diary update
starts in PORTSMOUTH.Neil and co are playing the Guild Hall. It's another grey
day outside, feeling a tad seedy from the Tequila at the bar last night. Good
gig with Mr Finn singing You sexy thing and Betchadupas Empty Head in the set.
Last to know looks like being put back a few days in the Uk till June 11th.
May 3rd
Load in at 9.00 no shower, feel grotty, I like my shower..it's grey again, say
goodbye to Graham and our bus for a week. Leave the venue and go for a walk and
buy some wax fabric from the local shops, decide to redo the walls of Neils band
room, as they are damn ugly..the fabric looks fab. Work with Rosie on the rooms
and we have them looking a treat. Head to Shepherbs Bush market and watch two
Islamic woman attacking each other for ten quid...stupid.
Dee just prints out the set list and Neil walks in and adds "Anytime" at the
last minute, thought something was missing. Film tonight from stage right near
John,some great footage,capture Shon singing one of his solo songs-nice.
Swap to stage left and sit with Sharon and Deeman. Some serious backing vocals
from us all on Weather with You!!!!!! Johnny Marr continues to blow my mind, I
just love that Finn-Marr combination..guitar bliss. Angie is up from Manchester
and we both give that grin when he plays- he looks happy.
Decide to work instead of attending the backstage tour party, taxi to hotel with
Paul and Willy which is always a hoot..Willy is a Taurean too and Paul a Leo
like Mark. Explains a lot. Order room service from my fave cook and call Ben and
Mark in Australia before falling asleep at 3.00.
May 4th
Second Shepherbs Bush show...we are now halfway through the tour. Reorder merch
and work out where our massive roadcase is going...no trucks for the few Europe
dates. Sunny day so Neil walks to the gig...runs into several fans on the way.
Rehearsal, even though Iäll get my arse kicked, I let a few people into
rehersal. Rehearsal basically consisted of How soon is now and my latest
fave-Into the Sunset. Fantastic crowd tonight-so passionate, did some serious
dancing during the spagetti western part of Private Universe.....Amanda took
some snaps, I probably look like a tosser in them!!!
New song Sweet Secret is getting a good thrashing at soundcheck too. Hit the hay
at 3.00 (again).
May 5th
London-day off for me...go visit Vanitas Empire shop at Camden markets, shes
back to Sydney soon and probably witha suitcase of money from all the good
business-heaps of funky people and goths...I find a new tour shirt, made from a
sand blasted silk...incredibly soft....
Spot StarSailor5 on Top of the pops..loved their Good Souls song which is the
latest single, they are on the festival in August (UK) with Neil....they remind
me of early Suede.
Watch War of the Worlds on dvd...find Pearl Jams Light Years cd single for two
May 6th
Happy Birthday Jj...call him....sounds good. I'm sure he hates birthdays...
Head to the Bush for our 3rd London gig...sit in on several Neil interviews, the
record collector guy knew his stuff and was obviously a big fan.
Sharon does some singing in the band room....all I can say is JUST DAWN!!!!
Neil on the internet "The great thing about the website is that the small
fragments of music can be put out in that arena, a new form, a series of chords,
random, wild card..like a jigsaw puzzle..and the fans can make something from
Good gig but I liked the second show more.
May 7th
Wake up and find my cyber deli closed for the day...they make good coffeee too
and its only across the road from the hotel...damn.
Get some odd emails today...one from F.16 reader Aki Ross (USA) the odd thing is
that Aki Ross is also the name of of the computer generated protagonist in
Columbia Pictures soon to be released Final Fantasy movie...it was odd two words
HELP ME....I'm wondering if it was some weird advance publicity...email?
Maybe I have to send my Spock created Akira Peter character to her rescue???
Have lunch with Rosie, she buys me a Pooh Piglet, we shop all day, our feet
May 8th
Boy George..."I dont know what would inspire me if I was 14 now...maybe Westlife
Today I will describe my tour room-not sure why- we are at the Hilton, top
floor, an average size room by London hotel standards, small by australian
standards. I have a bottle of Caledonian still water by my bed, my international
clock and a book-Kim Neelys Five against One-the Pearl Jam story. A bag of haf
eaten cherries on the bed and a clean shirt. My chunky Antler suitcase lies open
like it has exploded internally, its by the tv. Clean clothes on the floor, 3
bottles of tabs on the cupboard-Zinc for energy, fish oil (anti infamatory), and
Nics Melatonin...in case the band-crew cant sleep. Hilton tea and coffee nearby,
a minotaur books bag full of signed cds on the floor, my bus towel. My bed cover
is hotel-brown, my sheets are crisp and white, 3 weird black squares are on the
bedhead. My silver audio technica headphones are on the coffee table and some
dvds-Vampyre and Romper Stomper next to them. The curatins are a thick forest
green, the carpet has strange blurry shapes on it and no matter how close I get
they wont come into focus....do I like my room you ask...I feel nothing for it,
I am just anothe rlodger seeking asylum from the night...some rooms are just
like that.
May 9th
Borderline Virgin radio gig...
Neil attempts the Catherine Wheels audience request, the show improves out of
sight during the second part of the set...today Neil officially has new
Walk with Rosie as we wanted to leave quickly, invade the phone boxes for porn
postcards to fill Johns bus bunk.....he will love them.!!!Especially the wide
collection of She Male cards (grin).
Fave drink- Copella Apple and Elderflower
Single-Good Souls-StarSailor
Food-Linda MacCartneys Vegetarian sausages.
Colour-Titanium silver and sunburn orange
Funny moment-Elroy in a Balaclava with a fire poker making Ninja Noises...he#s
so funny.
Object of lust...my 3 pack of clean white socks from Sainsburys.
The bus calls into Sainsburys on the way to the next gig...I jump out wearing my
purple satin boxers, work boots and a tshirt that says, I am cheap three
pounds... the security guard keep s an eye on me..and so he should.....
Rosie is wearing her pink PJ bottoms....Paul J just smiles at us like we are bad
Sleep in my bunk.....on and off dreams roll by like waves on the ocean...
May 10th
Hmm its my birthday in Australia as they are a day ahead so I cann home....and
surprise them.
Gig is at Ipswich I sell out front with Elroy Finn- he is such a blessing on
this tour, I think the Finns think I am being nice, the reality is that Elroy
really has earnt some respect, makes my work easier...
I put in some film and a guy grabs me and points to my tour shirt and says Neil
Finn oh mannnn is that tonight!
Let 3 lifers into soundcheck, think we#ve let in a 100 or so so far...didn#t get
to hear much of the gig but the fans seem happy. Wear my Sainsburys outfit to
loadout- so here am I with all these tough loaders rolling boxes out wearing my
boxers and chunky boots.....suddenly a lot of them strip to shorts, who says
load out cant be fashionable!!!! Plus my legs look damn hot! Cop shit from Rosie
and almost run her down with her pink catering box. Neil shakes his head and
says Good onya Pete......teel Dee its my birthday just as the bus pulls out....
May 11th
My birthday-how old-haven't decided!
My bunk is covered in birthday cards...the fans destroyed some of my home
sickness. Esther buys me a birthday beer and we have a nice chat.
We are at Mr Marrs home town-Manchester....I walk into dinner with the lovely
Amanda on my arm...and Elroy and Nile Marr nearly blow my head off with party
poppers, the whole crew are here singing, I am almost in tears, I hide behind
Amandas shoulder, Rosie brings out this massive cake and I really am blown
away.. Neil is wearing a party hat like a beak and all I can do is laugh- its so
un Neil and that alone is a great present-just cant put it all into words, talk
about special.
Am filming tonight and the crowd is up for it, they could be the best tour crowd
yet....just when I was getting over the birthday dinner, Neil gets the onstage
super group to play Its your birthday....the radiohead guys are onstage, Johnny,
and all the other guys....I have this smile the siye of the moon....as I sit
hidden stage left near the amps.......
Lisa is next with her beautiful song, its her at her best....make sme homesick,
in the darkness Neil mouths Have a great Birthday and that really was the final
The show is exceptional, Johnny Marr getting a local heroes welcome...Neil
playing guitar like its the end of the universe.....I am ecstatic...I am blissed
I want tonight to be beamed to the whole world.....I am wearing my musical heart
on my sleeve....Manchester rocks.
Pack up the band rooms and Johnny and Ange grab me, give me this present, some
silver Elephant candle holders....so me that I stand with my mouth open...
Neil walks in and says grab your bag you are coming with us to Johnnys for
drinks and to see the house.....
This day could go on for 5 pages...basically picture a gold bus rolling down
small picturesque country roads, we stop at this estate that is so lush and
surrounded by mammoth trees that you know the house will be exceptional. It is,
the Marrs have created warmth and a feeling of comfort in this incredible
house.. no one is jealous just calm , dancing, drinking etc, wild soccor,
stories and dancing and dancing (eh Lisa) and all too personal to go up here.
It ends with dark cabs stealing some of us away, despite the offer to stay the
night....I end up in the Finns ensuite, a real bed, Sharon asks if I have had a
good day....tears well....I'm missing my friends but this is one day I will
never forget, the family, the fans, the songs,have you ever felt (dear reader)
that for one day you can be the happiest person in the world. Today I was.
May 12th
The Finn tour bus departs at a verz reasonable 11.30, have brekky with Sharon
and Neil and Amanda...Amanda and Lisa are verz good dancers and have not only
2nd but 3rd and 4th wind when it comes to holding their own at parties....
The Bus collects Johnny, Lisa and Elroy on the way and its nice to be able to
chat to Sharon in a chair with no gig madness....the bus is full of fun.
Today we are at Birmingham, the soccor is on so soundcheck is almost non
existant, sadly no one is allowed in today , we dont have any time, stripping
trucks down for Europe etc.
Well my days turns Yang....smash a back tooth on a cherry pie that still had all
the seeds in the cherries, the caters freak and the pie is thrown out...so my
mouth swells..have to find a dentist in Germany.....
Sell with Elroy, who carries so many books signed by Neil.....a crowd of people
want to buy these......it gets out of control, we sell out of everything....
Say goodbye to a few regulars....sad....
Load the bus and we are off into the night heading to Germany, take some pain
killers and sleep.....I#m still on a birthday high.....what a tour.
p.s.for those of you who emailed about Hussy, all tour copies totally sold out,
so please order via this website..or contact Deb. Regular emails I will be
replying to them all in a week when I get home.....pg.x
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