The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 8 July - 22 July 2001
July 8th 2001
So here it is the cover of the second F/16 book- titled "BANG!".

By the time this segment goes up on the Famous for Sixteen Minutes site, Deb
would of put the NEW upcoming book on the merchandise area. Such a blatant
plug I hear you cry- maybe, but it's worth checking out the Merch. area just
to have a chuckle at the BANG! cover art (thanks Spock). The latest debate
is which cartoon characters have we stolen from...hey at least I am the only
one with an eyebrow ring...well! Like HUSSY , this one will be a limited
hard cover run of 1000, numbered and signed.
Now into this fortnights diary....
Neil is in town so I head off to the Leunig/ACO show with Rebecca, he's
playing the concert hall, three shows and we have opted for the matinee.
I keep telling myself that Neil is only a part of this. He gives us great
seats (or Amanda does...) about 6 rows from the front, all 3 shows are sold
out. The lady in front asks her friend who is this Neil Finn. I think the
odd scattering of Neil Finn t-shirts has both alarmed and intrigued some of
the regular ACO concert goers....guess Bowie got the same reaction when he
played the part of the Elephant Man on Broadway. (:
The ACO take up the first part, chamber music is a love hate thing with me,
I loved some of it, wanted to kill "the bee" musical number....being Winter
the odd cough made us jump. Spotted Noel Crombie with Heddie and Grissie in
the foyer. Bec wanted a smoke so we went outside for interval.
The second part I did enjoy, the choir were fantastic, especially the
smallest member with pigtails- she had a great face.
Neil was both subtle and superb, though I enjoyed his uncertain hand
movements, i'm sure he was trying to decide on what to do with his hands- no
guitar, no major microphone grabbing...no onstage jokes. Both "Sweet Secret
Peace" and "Lullaby" were brilliant.
"Real life it's all true
You know how I'll miss you
In quiet places I'll come undone"..
We left feeling uncertain, but it is a brave project and it crosses the line
with a thumbs up. It's the uncertainty of not knowing what is being created,
that brings both joy and questionable thoughts to my head, but as mentioned
Neil's is only a part- I think I enjoy my Finn musical steaks when they are
100% kiwi...
Rosemaree comes by at 6.30 and has yet again created some wonderful food, we
all retire to the viewing room and watch "Sleepy Hollow". Love that
July 9th 2001
Lend my copy of Cave in the Snow to Jackie at Babble. She was reading the
Tibetan book of the Dead and I thought she'd find "Cave..." an enjoyable
Call Robbie in London today- surprise him at work. he tells me that Rosie is
out touring with Madonna and having a fun time of it...as expected.
Mark comes up with an idea for a band to combat the ever increasing tide of
really young girl groups.........OK here it is.
The band is called DOUBTFIRE.
It's made up of middle age musicians who dress as an OLD girl-group...we are
talking about major hairy legs, (gelled so the hair is nice and spikey)
wearing those horrid beige old lady stockings (half falling down of course).
The thing is they MUST rock...so bad nighties with furious and fast
Greenday/Pansy Division style guitar/music.
We've worked on several songs- all taken from the Mrs Doubtfire movie
segments....... "Power tool", "She's got crabs", "Beyond obsession", "Meet
Mrs Doubtfire" and "Teeth in a glass" and "Going down payment".
Picking the band was hard work, two hundred band applicants, went through a
rigourous cross dressing audition process. Jackie O was one of the judges
dressed as an old man......
So DOUBTFIRE has been created to combat the evil of Girl Groups....our own
Bardot have agreed that DOUBTFIRE may stand a chance of being special guest
act on their next world tour.
As young Sophie Monk was supposed to of said "It will be just like having
our Mums...no Grandmothers on the road with us".
The first tour is the "Plastic Panties-no knitting allowed ALL ages tour".
Starts in Peru late July.
If you are going to the Bardot instores remember to ask the girls who their
favorite member of DOUBTFIRE is.
July 10th 2001
Picked a new hair colour for the overseas adventure....Loreal Feria has a
new colour on the market- Brazilian Brown (Golden Copper Brown), a huge
sample box arrived here, we all want to look like the model on the cover...
she has good lips.
July 11th 2001
Pay Electricity bill- notice that because of the solar panels we are close
to 25% less then last years. Solar power saves money.
The Susan O'Doherty art arrived it's a huge piece of art and will live up on
the main staircase. How we are ever going to get it that high up remains a
mystery. Really love this abstract work, Susan has taken massive strides as
an artist.
The invites for the Mark Ryden art show arrive at the same time. With the
Aussie dollar worth 3 coconuts I am terrified at what his work will cost.
July 12th 2001.
Our travel agent has started calling our Sth American airline the "Dodgey
Brothers" airline...Trudi discovers it's the same one that crashed into the
Andes with the Soccer team on board and they had to eat the dead players.
Guess it really doesn't matter that we've paid to be in business class, just
means we won't share our seats with as many pigs and other livestock......
have to learn some Spanish for "hey watch out for the mountain".
Deb if our plane crashes you have permission to press book three on schedule
Get an email from Nick, he's looking for some artwork, tells me he keeps
reading his copy of HUSSY- do miss our fave Crowded House Bass player. he
sounds good though.
Mark buys Jim Jarmuschi's DEAD MAN on dvd. Another Depp movie, it is
exceptional- I even like Neil Young's musical score. A must have in your dvd
Wow they now know that Saturn has a total of 30 moons. The new astronomical
detectors allow scientists to look for fainter objects over larger areas of
the skies- mark my words they will be discovering huge amounts of heavenly
bodies soon enough.....exciting times for us Terrans.
July 13th 2001.
Talk to Spock about the idea of using another JUDD painting on the back of
BANG, thought the Judd original of the guy pissing in the huge Forest was a
good one, always reminds me of heading up to Beenami. Many times we boys
just head into the forest for a quick release....poor wombats, then again
I'm sure if you even pee'd near them they'd chomp "it" off.
So the cover is coming together.
Head into the city and open vali's art studio for a few hours. Call into the
Outre Gallery and grab a few more invites for Becky's Mum & Bob.
heading home I look up at the MCG and the aboriginal flag is really blowing
in the wind, all the other flags are dead still...not sure what that means.
Wow only 2 weeks till we head off for our long awaited holiday- no bands, no
phones, no emails , just the road, some good friends and a pissy Australian
July 14th 2001
The Aston Bi Election. No one really believes Labor will win this one, but
in the end there is a 4.5 % swing against the Liberal party, but the primary
vote is a whopping 8.5%, if this was the federal election John Howard would
be packing his bags. Four more months till the election I think, 18+ weeks
and then hopefully the little shit will no longer be the Prime Minister.
Just watch how fast Peter Costello stabs him in the back...
Drive Mark to Toija and Marcos for his haircut- it's a big secret but his
Mum and Allan are heading down to surprise him for his _ _th(?) birthday. So
Toija is in cohoots and we get him over for his Chairman Mao cut...looks
Rosemaree picks me up for some work (thanks girl) and we drive to the
batcave for some speed copying.
July 15th 2001
Head to Beenami, our last chance for the Forest before we zoom off. It
starts off Sunny but as soon as the 4wd gets into the mountains a huge mist
and big grey clouds drop over us. Call in and buy some half logs to hold the
gate for the goat pen. They just fit in the car, still saves $30 delivery.
Mark calls into the shoe department of the local Kmart to get some hiking
boots for the week...as a joke I try on big fluffy moccasins and other weird
shoes....they feel strange, I even scare myself with how ugly they are. It's
Pic and Save all over again.
Arrive at Beenami and all the daffodils and Joquills are out, several new
baby bats have moved in behind the vodka bottle as well as the Tequila
bottle...they have the smallest hands.
Mark lights a roaring fire and I roll a joint which we take with us on our
hike. The weird drug dealing house in the heart of the Forest has a guy
standing in the middle of the grass in the rain staring at the ground- we
sneak off, there is a such a bad feeling around this place it smothers you
like a blanket...Suss (with a capital "S").
Head down another fire trail and it goes on and on- this Forest is massive,
our small creek is getting wider each km-er. The bush is lush, giant tree
ferns cling to giant trees, they must be a hundred years old at least. We
spot Lyrebirds and Rosella's...just heaven up here.
BBQ in the barn and decide to head home and make it out of the valley before
the fog rolls in again.
July 16th 2001
Work on Bardot stuff all this week. The new single is ASAP, have done loads
of pre work. The 2nd Popstars group Scandal'us (yeah crappy name I know)
have had a flop with their second single make me Crazy, dropped from 30 to
35 this week. At least Bardot can say their album went #1 in Australia, NZ
and Asia. Every single has gone Gold or double Platinum.
Scandal'us only made it to #2, and look like being one hit wonders in
Australia only. We made the right decision saying we didn't want to work
with them. Roll on DOUBTFIRE- kick there Popstar arses I say (:
All the copies of I LIKE IT RARE CD arrive so we start the mammoth task of
mailing them out...takes ten days to do this normally as every address has
to be checked etc. So we now no longer have a social life.
July 17th 2001
Our gate guy Glen arrives to measure up the new spiked security gates, just
like a double layered condom, all that extra protection. So several security
systems and massive gates and death rays it's looking more like the Stargate
Complex! Even Cosmo has red laser iris beams in those eyes of his.
Cosmo gets HIS shots today...yes we discover that our rabbit has
balls.....and is a MALE. So what scientist told us it was a girl, I didn't
think to look. Rabbits have the lovely bonus of being able to "suck" their
testicles back up into their body (ouch) so they can be deceiving. So when
"she" was having fun with Hairball HE was probably trying to get it on with
her...no wonder she didn't want to know about the bunny! Chicks with
Dicks....Cosmo could be the Doubtfire Mascot???????
July 18th 2001
Several thousand Bardot ASAP glossy newsletters arrive for their fan
mailout....add to this the signed last to Know Finn cds, and all the Rare
We get asked to Debra Conways "Always Patsy Cline" premiere and would of
loved to of gone but the previously mentioend "stuff" means we are here at
the office. I love "walkin after midnight"...that song sticks in my head.
She's another musician who died in a plane crash isn't she?
Had a laugh when Grant Thomas was made couch of a Melbourne football
club...but it's not OUR Grant Thomas.
July 19th 2001
Mark gets a surprise when he walks into babble this morning, his Mum and
Allan are waiting at the table with me...surprise. he smiles at them and
gives me a "traitor...I hate surprises" look....hey how can you say NO to
someones mother. Mark uses the word Cahoots about ten zillion times
today....I I am the King cahooter!
It's nice though, his Moe 3 stooges cut looks good, I hide my human
tumbleweed under my beanie.
We all head back to the house and Cedar arrives to give Cosmo his shots.
he is a good bunny and doesn't put up a fight. He's a Himalayan Bunny we
find out (to do with the ears I think). His dark patches are where his main
sensory parts are....ears, feet, nose, tail.....balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well tonight Rosemaree and Tania organise for various friends to drop in,
and everyone brings some food or drink.....and what started as a small food
gathering, ended up being a rather brilliant party. Must be all the work as
I went for it....misbehaved beyond the realms of good taste....Marks little
rolley machine worked overtime and nearly all the Moet was used up (except
the huge bottle from the Finns which we are saving for some SUPER special
occasion)- it was just nice, our favorite people and for once I didn't have
to organise it (yippee). Thankfully some of the night was video'd. DOUBTFIRE
played on the roof, Rosemaree and Tania doing backing harmonies on "Going
down Payment". Spock played keyboards on "Teeth in a Glass" he still has
that Boom Crash Opera style, and Marco some serious vocal work on "She's got
crabs". An amazing night, saying my last goodbye to Bec (always the last to
leave god bless her) at 3.30. Thanks everyone we had a blast.
July 20th
We head to the Mark Ryden art show at Outre Gallery. We drive past and there
is a line, you rarely have lines for art shows in Australia. I didn't RSVP
us, so I just used the "name" to get us in, they said No problem...and were
expecting us (cute). There are a few originals but the Aussie Dollar makes
them ridiculous...especially when I know how much they were a year ago. The
Giclee Prints are lovely- Giclee for those who don't know is fineart print
produced on a large scale computer press/printer. It's an early ninties
technique. The machine that makes them is called "Iris" so sometimes
Giclee's are called Iris Prints. Nicely textured.
Mark Ryden was born in Oregon and basically grew up in Southern California.
Got his BFA from Arts centre college of design in Pasadena. I have one thing
at least in common with Ryden, we both have a small vial of "Elvis sweat"!!!
"If you enchant yourself, others will be enchanted too". Ok make that two
His "Anima Mundi-The art of Mark Ryden" will be out in September.
We end up with a Paper edition of "Christina"-signed and framed.
Sadly the very small "Jesella" painting is too rich especially after the
recent splurge of Gehlerts. $17,000!!!!!
Bob and Spock both get the framed prints behind the counter (I think it was
Jajo and Angel of meat).
We head to the hardware alley for some coffee and cake.
Home to bed for an early night. I'm all arted out.
July 21st 2001
Happy birthday to both Trudi and Fran- try to call both but they are out
Speak to Qantas and they move us upstairs into the private hub area, so we
are all sitting together. I'm happy about that. Now if our Sth American
airline can get their s**t together and get our tickets to our agent we will
be ready to go.
Drive Marks Mum and Allan to the airport- manage to get them there in 26
minutes- pretty good. Use the etag , its only a few $ , would save more then
that on fuel.
Work all day and part of the night, watch The Matrix on dvd as we need a
break, had the urge to see it all week. Keanu with his #1 buzz is just
tempting me to cut all my hair off....maybe in Peru.
The street is very loud tonight- late night party goers keep me awake.
July 22nd
Wake up and no call from Rosemaree. She has slept in, now that is rare.
Naturally I am enjoying her not being on time!(:
We three head to babble which is very empty- it's a cold morning so I guess
people are taking their time waking up. Make some notes on last minute
"things to do".
Rosemaree is cooking us dinner again, I'm supplying desert, we are very
spoilt this week. I let her raid the library for some books.
Work on BANG in the afternoon. Had about 20 emails this weekend from people
asking if they can order it on line like they did with HUSSY. The answer is
YES. Deb has BANG (and the last of the hardcover Hussy books) on the
merchandise page. Just head to Merchandise. I love the Bang cover, it's much
cheaper then cosmetic surgery...look how young I look!!!!!!
So this is the last diary update from Australia, I guess my next one will be
from Peru or Vegas. A holiday at last.
For those regular emailers- remember you can't email me between July 26th
and August 26th. It's on auto trash! I was horrified to come home again to
several thousand.
Gotta go pack those Andes mountain climbing boots. We still are unsure how
Robin is getting her Elvis souvenirs up the side of the mountain (especially
that Elvis cuckoo clock)...at least my vial of Elvis sweat travels light!
Rock in peace.
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