The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 21 December 2001 - 6 January 2002
December 21st 2001
Spend the big part of today getting another batch of Neil Finn autographed
'7 Worlds" CD's out to fans in time for Christmas. Head to HMV and buy some
more stock, and we got the very last, stores have been selling out, quite a
few Finn pieces of music in Xmas stockings this year.
We buy the Angel box sets, never as good as Buffy but the show still has
moments. He really needs to lighten up a bit- what a brooding Vampyre. They
should bring back the Doyle character- he was great.
Plant some Lillies today, all these new hybrids on the market, blood red
and golden yellow instead of the standard white. Am going to mix and match a
few of them at the Forest place, add some colour to the regular old white
December 22nd
Wake up early and take a sack load of mail to the post office. Grab the
first t-shirt out of the cupboard and it's my Alex Lloyd tour shirt. Strange
that I pick that one from the thousands of shirts, minutes later I get a
call from Billy who manages Alex and we have breakfast. Eidre and the two
kids are here as well- Daisy and Molly and they are so cute, at the end of
the day I just want to say, forget all the music crap, all the fighting and
wars and petty stuff, kids are it. I just watch them and they have such good
lives, adults are such a bad end product usually... all bitter and twisted,
and the lies flow. Wow am I dark today?
Alex is doing well, the album moved it's 100,000th unit just in time for
Christmas. Happy for them, all good. Plus they save me huge postage dollars
on not having to mail their presents *grin*
Tania and Jake and a small army call by that night, Jake leaves with
truckloads of presents, kids score big at our house this year.
December 23rd
We head off home to Sydney for Christmas- Mark checks the advance weather on
cable and Sydney is going to roast, Melbourne nice and cool. We both try and
think of lame reasons to stay but know our families would probably do us
serious bodily harm if we blew it out.
The car goes to the Limo service and that way it also get's a wash (gotta
love that), the lines at the airport go out the door, I say a silent prayer
for the Members only line which has a massive four people in it...off to the
Qantas club.
The freaky flyer club is getting kind of cheap, all the newspapers have
gone, fruit cake or fruit cake...even the Club magazine is being cancelled.
As long as I have coffee and space and some sort of creature comforts I
really don't mind about all those other things.
Flying over Sydney it all looks very very dry, a huge state of kindling.
I arrive home to one of Mum's infamous roast dinners- just the best, I
really pig out. Sis and her boyfriend Mark are here too, it's a nice get
The temperature keeps climbing, it's getting hot. Get zilch sleep and wake
up in a bad mood.
December 24th
Drive out to my sisters business and pick her up for her Christmas surprise.
Have been saving up all year as I know she needs a new car and hell she is
my only sister. Want to keep it as a surprise from everyone but somehow Mum
clues in (you know how mothers have those secret listening devices all over
the house...it has to be, how else would they know their kids deepest
secrets???). Anyway I decide to teach her a lesson and start on my plan to
convince Mum that yes indeed I did buy Sis a HORSE for Christmas. Lets be
real here, if most brothers tried this story they wouldn't have a chance,
but my Mum knows that the freak gene is in me so anything is possible.
To make the story more exact I drive Sis up into the mountains till we spot
some horses, we have the polaroid camera so she poses with her lovely new
horse *grin*.
Before that most of the day was spent looking at cars, we both blew away a
few sales men, I noticed that many looked like sharks...big beaky noses and
pointy teeth....their creep factor definitely had them lose on a sale.
I did try to convince Jen to buy this massive 4 wheel drive....I'm talking
big- you could fit the whole SAS platoon inside it- she stares at me
horrified....I put it down to big brother just wanting Sis to be safe on the
road. In the end we find the car she wants, and I know she is like me and
freaks out when on the receiving end of gifts. Weird I know. I win though as
I am more stubborn.
A few hours later the reports start coming in that this horrid heat and
several arsonists have a whole series of fire going up in the mountains, in
fact the whole of NSW is ablaze.
The trig station blows up, so my grandfathers house has no power, all the
family and relatives are outside -beer or beer, hey I'll have...a beer.
Mum starts telling everyone about The Horse, she is saved just in time as
Sis turns up....I stand up like I'm making a wedding speech and put an end
to Mum's tale (tail *grin*)....she's just starting to pass the horse snaps
around, I intercept and give people the car snaps. Thankfully she see's the
funny side and says I am an evil son but a generous one. She gets all teary.
It's a nice Xmas eve, get home before midnight. The sky has a red blaze to
December 25th
Another hot night, no sleep and I kept smelling smoke all night. We know
something is up when the local paper is not delivered. We look out the huge
back windows of our house and the great dividing range is all ablaze,
mammoth amounts of smoke spiral into the air, the Sun is a huge red globe, I
feel like I am on a flight that's about to land at Hades!!!
Australian bushfires are brutal, they are alive, they run, jump roads and
only things like backburning and serious rain can stop them. There are now
100 fires burning...
We all open our presents, my favorite is the Hussy/Bang mousepads that Sis
had made, made me laugh- very cool. Mum didn't do scary Santa this year, all
we could think about were the fires.
At lunch we found out that the township of Waterfall has gone up in smoke,
and several main highways are now closed. We fill up the guttering with
water, black ash, some of it still alive is covering the yard. People are
walking about with face covers on.
Thank god for the fire brigade and the CFA volunteers. They save hundreds
of houses, and people like WIRES look after the countless animals.
My uncles promise to keep me updated about roads being closed etc. I think
of our friends in Europe and the States who are snowed in and it's raining
in Melbourne.
December 26th
My uncle Des wakes me very early with a call, all roads are now closed, in
every direction. There is a slight chance of one small road that runs over
an old volcano ridge (seriously) and if we are quick we might be able to get
on the M5 and get into the tunnels that take us to the airport direct. I
feel like I am running from Nazi's , everything is so "gotta go NOW".
Somewhere in all this the Xmas spirit lives and our family celebrate per
usual. I think good thoughts for the families who lost everything, just
doesn't seem fair at this time of year.
I call Mark and pick him up within minutes, we are off, with some quick
scrawled instructions...I question my memory as for awhile we are the only
car on the small road and it seems like we are heading into the belly of the
beast. Tree's are ablaze and powerlines shorting out...the smell of burning
gum trees is everywhere. If we were ten minutes slower we wouldn't of made
it over the range, but we got to the M5 tunnels and the odd thing is that it
was quicker then the usual route- probably the zero traffic.
Qantas get us on an earlier flight, we touchdown in a cool wet Melbourne
and I think to myself how much I love this cities four seasons in one day...
Cosmo is happy to see us, ok happy to see mostly Mark and the crunchy combo
container. We tune into foxtel and watch the fires number 110 across the
States. Kids are lighting some of them, and being under 18 they basically
get away with it. Throw them into the fire I say.
December 27th
Am cleaning the Tarot card table and thought I'd pick a weekly animal
(Druid) oracle card.
I get the Hawk. Also known as Seabhac. The card shows a Merlin, the smallest
of hawks (I think- I should ask Larry).
Seabhac brings the ability to see your life in perspective, to free you of
unnecessary "baggage" and to connect me to my ancestral roots. Its more
about surveying your life and see the vents of ones life in context- well
that's how I'm looking at it. The Hawk helps recall small details or spot
things which are significant. It's a bit of a new day dawning type card.
Kind of how I feel at the moment too. I agree to do a few Tarot readings for
a few more friends, feeling pretty charged and full of life.
December 28th
Happy Birthday Ben.
We are jealous 29th! We will be glad when the Yeti is 30, then he won't seem
so young *grin*.
He came along with Jen who we liked (plus she has cool black dress sense).
We have a few birthdays here, and I always get stuck making the cake, and
yeah I dig it. Big BBQ with the Yeti in charge of cooking. Great night, good
company and no food left. Real fun.
December 29th
The Skyhooks website has it's 50,000th hit, the counter spins out of control
as we had one of our contests, which encourage our readers to come back more
often. This diary clicks over for it's 141,000 hit, which is rather mind
We spotted another batch of volunteers heading to NSW to fight the fires,
they are still out of control. Most of the national park, the 2nd oldest in
the world has been devastated, it will take decades to re-grow.
We decide to head to Beenami tomorrow to check on IGOR and clean away any
old wood etc.
December 30th
Happy Birthday Greg Macainsh of Skyhooks.
Head off to Beenami. Walk in the forest and stumble upon a family of 8
Kookaburra's. Such a proud bird and so damn loud, they all started at once,
a tumult of "koooooka" increasing in volume as each joined in. They are the
heavy rockers of birds and they dig it. They know they are cool.
December 31st
New Years Eve
We opt for a quiet one this year, the plan is to sit on the balcony and
watch people stumble past on the street. Rosemaree joins us, and supplies a
neat supper. Make a decision that the balcony needs re-painting, yes I have
the painting bug, the house is starting to look pretty damn good. People are
commenting when they walk in the door. We expect to be the feature in an
upcoming copy of House & Garden, or whatever the hip equivalent is (or maybe
H&G IS hip).
Have a dance with my best mate, who never dances (except with me). It's a
song called "Fancyman Blues" by the Stones. One of their throw away songs,
which is annoying as it's far better then the album material they do. What a
groove, very cool song. The Stones should get back to the blues.
It's reported that Bardot are in the lead for the voting for Australian
artist of the year. Even beating Kylie. There is still time to vote, so even
if you are not a Bardot fan, a win would help our office. People can vote on
Plus if you vote you could win a $500 voucher.
Just click on the area that says WIN a $500 voucher for voting. Highlight
Bardot and fill in the details. Voting closes Jan 11th.
Neil Finn was on the voting list but I think it's the old "he's a NZer
remove him"....as he seems to be on the forms but not the internet list
January 1st 2002
Wow 2002. Such a year of extremes. No real equilibrium of good and bad,
just extremes. Lets hope 2002 will be better or less excessive.
It was the year my hair grew long, took the smallest amount of drugs (just
pot) and lost a bit of weight. Think all that is healthy. Nearly all the
artists we worked for got Gold records (even the Hooks turned over a few
more), except Bic Runga who was recording (then again the live
Bic/Tim/Dobbyn cd went multi platinum in NZ). Bic will be releasing GET SOME
SLEEP in February, hoping it will be a hit...so she will get a belated Gold.
One way or another people will get to hear this song. Go Bic!!!!!!!!!!
New years resolution, to be kinder, help a few more people, to swear less to
create more things (books, art, photos...nude sculpture...ok no the to
We watch WAR OF THE ROSES on DVD. Always a good movie, nothing like your
husband peeing on the fish at a dinner party, or your wife making Pate' out
of mans best friend!
January 2nd
Babble is open again. The return of good coffee. Sit outside and I watch
Stephen Cummings ride by on his bike, his grey hair glistening in the sun.
That pointy nose guiding him like a compass. He was in the Aussie band
called The Sports and has had many solo cds. He went to school with
Macainsh. It's nice watching him ride past, we use to see him on his bike
all the time.
Great news that STARGATE the tv show makes the National Top 10. It was #1 in
WA but now it's top Ten nationally- happy to see some sci fi in the top ten
watched shows.
Peggy "mad dog" Morgan arrives in the afternoon. Good to see her, she was
part of our crazy past and is still a good friend. We head to the Black
Olive for some food.
January 3rd
We have breakfast at Babble. I head into the city while Peggles drops some
copies of BANG into the JUST COLLECTABLES shop. "Just Collectables" is a
great fun place (212 Chapel St Prahran) plenty of models and swap cards and
all those fun things. I eye the LOST IN SPACE lunchbox in the window. So if
you are after something a bit left of centre , and you are in town this is
the place to shop.
Head into the city and give my travelex people the two signed Bardot singles
as promised. They are really happy...hey they are only singles.
Buy up the final batch of '7 worlds" CDS from JB HIFI, HMV has sold out, and
I won't shop at Sanity.
Thankfully LORD OF THE RINGS blows Harry Potter away, LOTR makes $14 million
here in the first week. Sorry Harry's Hype just killed it for us, at least
RINGS is more subtle.
Our present from Miss July arrives and we are stoked, the "BUFFY" board
game, just left me with a silly grin. Will have to take it on the road and
get some of the Buffster lovers (eh Jayne D?) together and have a game. Just
great...thanks Nic. xoxox
My Bardot girls win SINGLE OF THE YEAR at the MCV awards, this is one of the
few times they have won. They bumped Kylie off, it could be a sign for the
'Aussie act of the yea'. Mention it to Tiff-Bardot and she is happy.
January 4th
The Xmas parcels keep on arriving, and cards- so many. CJ from Chicago
spoils me, and I loved the Warhol pix (its one of my faves) and Maryanne
Mortenson just blows my mind with the USA print of the latest Anne Rice. The
Australian books are not as good as they don't have that wonderful German
binding. My Christmas is now all of January I am thinking- very happy
everyone, and thank you.
Pete and Susan O'Doherty send me the upcoming DOG TRUMPET tracks, with some
special Pete artwork....I can't stop playing this, so nice to hear guitars,
great voices and lyrics. DOG TRUMPET are like a BEST KEPT SECRET, something
I truely love about them. Will let you guys know when it's out, it's worth
the leap of faith to buy this. So good to see people just record stuff on
their home studios and actually release it, other wise what's the point?
Head off to Prahran with Mark, go into the import shop to buy this $5 carved
mask for Beenami (everything is 50% off)...find this beautiful book/display
case, and I can't resist. Broke again for another few months....damn.
Somehow I ended up spending $500 instead of $5.00.
January 5th
Up nice and early and clean the balcony and start painting it. Just the
floor boards, even that's a huge task. Can't do a roller job on these, all
hand painted individually -'ferric red', which is one of the federation
colours (no not the Star Trek federation the other one....).
Of course we run out of paint with only 6 floor boards to do, half expected
it, so I'm not too freaked.
The huge bookcase/cabinet arrives for my room. The two delivery guys are red
faced and almost collapse carrying it in. They stare at me in horror when I
say "we are going to carry it up the staircase later"....they depart very
Mark points out my annoying habit of purchasing chunky BIG things for the
top section of the house....this cabinet is even worse then my bed *grin*.
The new year resolution of less swearing goes out the window as we take a
small chunk out of the wall, ever tried flipping a cabinet that takes 6 men
to move over a balcony into the next stair level (our place has three
levels). Mark is incredible despite thinking he will die today...we do it,
always up for a challenge...looks brilliant. Spend the day fixing the room.
When we sell the house in ten years it comes with it...this baby will never
leave that room! It will be like the mysery of the Pyramids- HOW DID THEY
GET THIS CABINET INTO THE ROOM. Was it help of UFO', documentarys will be
done on it....
Management in the U.K. tell me no NF USA tour has been locked in yet however
they will be in contact, so I'm assuming one will happen....I guess around
the release of ONE ALL the new mutated One Nil cd. Up for a bit of touring,
and that's the one I want to do. So Neil and Sharon if you are reading this,
my bags are packed, and I have so new funky things for the backstage area.
Plus I want to head down to Mexico to buy tiles from Pueblo (Sth of Mexico
city) I'm sure Sharon would be up for a tile pilgrimage ....!
January 6th
Bec calls and I catch up with her for breakfast. Rosemaree must be finishing
up on all my books as I haven't heard from her, so it's the two of us for
breakfast. We get to Babble early as the temperature is set to hit close to
40o today. She walks me up to the paint shop, and I check out a few other
shops but am good. Saving my money for funky Mexican tiles tomorrow when the
tile shop re-opens.
Finish painting the balcony, my room is so nice and cool, mainly because the
big trees out front offer so much shade...I climb onto my bed for a catnap-
20 minutes.
There is a great article on Anita Roddick (founder of the BodyShop) in the
Sunday Life Magazine. I like Anita, she is a shortie like me, ok much
shorter, despite the BodyShops being massive they still have such a great
heart beating in each of those green and yellow franchises. Nice to have
some morals in business...I like Anita. I curl up and read the article in
bed...just another ten minutes...
I find Cosmo exploring the drawer of the new cabinet...this cute white head
pops out, big bunny ears flopping, with a "hello there" expression on his
face..."get out of bed".
Had a few people emailing about copies of HUSSY, the first book. I think
Greville Books have three copies left- 145 Greville street Prahran for
Melbourne fans (or email: grev@interdomain.net.au) Their phone number is
95103531 OR order via Frenz.com site as 8 copies are for the site. So HUSSY
will sellout. BANG! is overtaking Hussy's sales for the same time period
which is pretty far out. I wonder if it's Lone Wolf's Cartoon PG cover that
grabs peoples attention???? For orders that come via Frenz.com I am
including some bonus sticker sets too (while stocks last). Free is good,
will have to do some odd shaped book marks for book three, that would be
So I here I sit Melbourne's first super hot day of the year, the solar
panels must be gobbling up all those particles, which means this computer is
running for free and the diary is being generated by the power of God (well
Sol!!!). Proving the Sun's rays can be positive (solar) and negative (sun
cancer)...maybe there always is a good side to everything?!
So that's today's lesson, good and bad in everything, you just got to look.
Welcome to 2002.
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