The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 7 August - 29 August 2004
August 7th
It's nice being home. I fight the Jet-lag and even avoid sitting on my
wonderful bed ... as you know it goes:- sitting- stretching, lying,
snuggling, climbing under the covers, sinking into the bed, yawning and then
BANG! You wake up several weeks later, kissed by a frog or several (always
Gay) Prince's.... repeat (same chorus same as the last). Fight the sleep.
So yep I fight it, and it's only around 10.00 that my body is begging for
the bed and I give in. Funny how we adjust to another countries time and day
to day normality.
I sneak into the kitchen and turn on the tap- lovely Melbourne water, so
clean and it tastes great. Now that is something to fight for- clean water.
August 8th
Well the fans are gathering at Regents Park in London, I am here in Oz. It
feels weird, but selfishly it feels good. Get a few emails that I am missed
from the crew and other tour folk. That's nice. Heard the T-shirts were
really poor quality and kind of sucked, not sure who printed them etc, zero
to do with the ol' Gryph...but still not good.
Even though this London show is great for the fans, in many ways it's
probably a horrid idea, after such a major tour ... catch a flight to
London and do this, I'm sure the Finns are frazzled. But hell the show must
go on, and it did.
Spend the afternoon going through all the USA T-shirt sales working it out,
Urgh urgh urgh spread-sheets.
Mark did an incredible job while I was away, the office is in good shape,
all nice and efficient. Makes it easier to come home to. The 5000 emails
don't. That is insane, 5000. I stare at them trying to figure out where to
start. Tip of the iceberg.
August 9th
So Little Johnny hoWARd didn't call an election while I was away, bummer,
bring it on I say. I'm sure he will raise his lying head out of the swamp
and call one in the next few weeks.
Check Tattslotto and win $30. Yahoo! Breakfast is covered and thanks to the
Goddess and Mr Lotto.
The latest SFX arrives from Jayne and it's a really really good Issue, the
best in awhile. I suppose Sci Fi like most things is just individual taste.
If it had Farscape in it endlessly I'd be bored, if it had Alias I'd be
mailing letter bombs and a tube of lube for the office guys to beat off to ,
c'mon it's not like Alias is remotely good- dog with fleas, once the wank
factor is over and done with- what's left, a shitty script. But yeah this
issue is excellent. I do chuckle over all the excitement of the new Dr Who.
Yes I will watch it and probably like it (?) but in the end Dorothy- you
can't always go back and trying to go forward after all this time could be a
disaster (remember the Lost In Space movie!). I'm sure SFX are hoping Dr Who
will fill the void in their magazine that Buffy has left, but they should be
careful, a lot of 'original' fans can really hate 'new' versions of classic
shows...they are a precious lot. Interesting times for the Doctor.
Speaking of Sci Fi- Fay Wray dies at age 96 in NYC. Famous for her role in
the 1933 KING KONG movie. She deliciously hung from Kong's hairy paw (that
was a paw she was hanging from wasn't it???) a top of the Empire State
Building. As Frank'N'Furter once sang...'whatever happened to Fay Wray...'
...well she lived to a ripe old age. God speed.
August 10th
Hmm well my 'real' diary has a list of To Do's a mile long. The complete
page is filled in with this never ending list. You go away for a month and
wham ...catching up to do.
One at a time, it's the only way- cross them off. Small steps.
Head to Mexican for dinner. The guy tries to convince me that the frozen
Margarita machine is in the kitchen. I don't believe him and order a Diet
For some strange reason we sell a lot of F/16 Diary books today. Double
figures, not sure what triggers this off, it's like some illness and people
just have to complete their collection and have all three books. Maybe the
world has just gone crazy, or maybe my writings are in vogue again.
August 11th
Jeff at the office sends me the lyrics for SUNSET SWIM. The unreleased Finn
song that is on the Wont Give In single. It's going to be a bonus track on
the Japanese release of EVERYONE IS HERE.
Miss Belinda calls and she is on air with Karl & Jackie O tonight. Of course
I blow it and Miss her.
The Olympic Games start soon so thought a nice Greek Recipe would go over
well on the diary site. Maybe something simple like HUMMUS, and much as I
detest frozen, HUMMUS does freeze really well if you make a large amount.
* Chick-peas. about 1 1/4 cups. You have to soak these overnight.
* 2 Garlic cloves (crush them).
* 1/2 cup of Tahini Paste
* 4 tbsp Olive Oil
* Juice of 2 lemons.
* Pepper (Cayenne is best)
* Salt
Step One- Drain the chick-peas and pick out any ugly bits *grin*. Cook them
in boiling water again for approx 10 minutes. Now turn the heat way down
and simmer until very soft (45 min-1 hour). Drain chick peas and save some
of the juice. Throw the ugly bits at someone you don't like.
Step Two- Put all of the chick-peas into a food processor/blender and add
the Tahini, some lemon juice and the garlic. Blend until it's nice and
smooth. Add some of the juice that you saved, until it is nice and creamy.
Continue to add lemon/juice as the HUMMUS stiffens after sitting.
Step Three- Put HUMMUS onto serving plate, swirl it and drip some of the
Olive Oil onto it. Sprinkle with the Cayenne and serve with Pitta bread.
A perfect party pleaser or to munch on while the Olympics are on.
August 12th
Squid sends me some great photos, we all have our soft gel lens working
overtime- even I look good (must of been a day off on the tour). I love
Squids Rebel Alliance tattoo, all the geeky Star Wars boys get all wet over
it....or it could be Squid that simply turns them on- that HOT Peruvian
charm. Oh la la.
Rosemaree rushes through an update for me, see things are back to normal.
She saves my cute arse again.
August 13th
Have to re-send the latest diary update, for some reason it never got to
Deb. I sent it from our kitchen on the G4, so who knows where it ended up.
(in with the Hummus maybe?). In that great email/sock black hole. Maybe Mr
Bush didn't like what I said about him- take a number.
Book my air-ticket to Sydney, have to get home and see Mum, Sis and my other
I hear that Bongo Skyhook has been singing TOORAK COWBOY at several parties
and get togethers around town. Heard he does quite a fun version, thank gawd
I'm not in the room as I'm sure I'd get shit for it and probably the odd
dedication. Shirl already dedicated that one to me once too often...and
thank god for Molly as he has the record for the amount of times it's
dedicated. Too many Toorak Cowboys about these days....
Speak to Greg Skyhook today regarding LIVING IN THE 70's. I need to contact
Nathan again as I would love for some of his early Skyhook photos to be in
the Living In the 70's booklet. Such great shots.
August 14th
Aliens kidnapped me today, or it could of been the Russian Volleyball team
with paper foil on their heads.
August 15th
Breakfast at Daguerre's with Rosemare, Dutch Deb and Yoast. No not toast
Yoast...and it's probably spelt Youst? We get a seat because we are early,
and it's all cosy. I am still asleep so not really with it. Next stop HMV
and we buy out every copy of WONT GIVE IN... the store manager is just
putting them out- so that was easy for her. JB is next and they don't have
any stock yet.
Am starting to get addicted to the Olympic games- what sport, me, never. Ok
it's true I am. Hockey, the swimming, handball, the cycling, all of it....
the shower orgy's, oh that was only last nights dream (sorry).
The opening ceremony was great, Greece did well, and proved a lot of people
wrong, was good to see.
August 16th
Wow Australia climbs to #2 on the medal tally, and what's going on with all
those empty seats in the stadiums.?
Head into the city with my better half. Coffee and cake at Laboca , which is
a new coffee place in one of the arcades. It all feels more sane here in
Melbourne. People are smiling, so many people overseas never smile. C'mon
our PM is as bad as your President and we can still smile.
Get home to find that WONT GIVE IN debuts at #26 on the U.K. chart, making
it the Finns 20th Top 50 UK single (I think).
It's #24 in New Zealand. It won't do well here as we have such small qty's
of stock.
Bec arrives and I have to zoom, which sucks, my fault. Sorry galfriend.
Jet get nominated for three MTV awards, which means they will win one. You
watch I will be proven right...always happens that way.
August 17th
Wild endless sex for 24 hours. Go away I need some sleep.
Kylie and Edward Norton please turn off the light when you leave.... OK
Edward you can stay but only because you are a talented actor as well.
August 18th
Robin joins us for breakfast and we go through all our Tax stuff. I am
almost all paid up with the Tax man, as are our companies. All good, Mark
too, well almost- so he won't have to go to jail and be someone's butt
monkey. He can stay here and continue working in my office and be my... oh
never mind.
Wow , find some MORS Berri-drink. It's the original Russian formula,
handpicked wild berries...and excellent artwork on the carton. I'm suckered,
give me give me. It looks better then it tastes. Fuck the drink give me that
August 19th
Green Days AMERICAN IDIOT is out on September 20th. It will be huge. I
wonder whom it's dedicated to?
Book The Olive for Rosemaree's get together. They give me the usual table,
you have to have your regular comfort zone. Don't You?
God bless Neala Johnson at The Sun- HIT magazine. Gives EVERYONE IS HERE a 4
star review- send her a thank you email. She's one of the good guys.
Wrap Rosemaree's present, and yes it's a years supply of batteries... oh no
it's not that belongs to someone else. We got her a Wiggles Toy and some
Cosmo the bunny prize scratchies and some chocolates. We will give you the
batteries next year.
August 20th
This morning I spotted Avril Lavigne on Chapel Street, she'd obviously done
some serious shopping looking at those bags. She waved, I ignored her, and
sent her back to the Como Hotel where she is staying. I'm glad she went to
Greville Street Bookstore and bought a copy of HUSSY. So many kids look like
Avril on Greville street it's hard to tell if it was her.
Having breakfast at the Market Hotel and the DJ is raving about the Finns
and the album. Took me by surprise, and then he plays WONT GIVE IN. Sounds a
bit slow on radio but it stands out like dogs balls. (nice Australian
Oh Happy Birthday Rosemaree! See I didn't forget.
We have a nice night at the Olive, cute waiter has a great tattoo and
proudly shows us. Nice guy though he has no idea how to mix a drink. he did
however go out into the cold and buy me some Ruskies.
Pick up BEAT magazine and I get a nice rap in Christie Eliezers column. Hey
it's nice to get a mention anywhere and Christie has always been great to
August 21st
Second week home already. That is way too fast. Loving it.
I watch Jana Pittman win her event and qualify for the semi's. Even if her
knee caves in again, she is incredible to recover so quickly. Maybe that
really IS the Olympic spirit.
Olympics Olympics Olympics. Sorry Marky, TV will be returned to you soon.
I'm becoming my mother I keep saying 'YESSS" each time we win.
Australia wins Gold- YESSSSSS!
Fahrenheit 9/11 has now grossed $250 million worldwide since it's release in
June. That's a lot of people who will get turned off Bush. Michael Moore now
has his fighting fund...and will duly be elected President of the United
States of Iraq (opps America).
August 22nd
We head off to Toija and Marcos house, Igor Senior needs his ears clipped
and oh yeah a haircut. They have just returned from Europe, such travellers,
and we all swap tales. Mark goes through the motions with their new TV...and
yes Marky it's even bigger then our TV!!!!!!!! We can't have that *grin*.
can we!?
I hear on the radio that Edward Munchs 'The Scream' was stolen again in
Oslo. I prefer 'Madonna' which was also ripped off. There are 4 versions of
THE SCREAM, despite what the DJ said, this version of THE SCREAM has never
been stolen before, but a different one was in February 1994. I just hope
they get "Madonna' back, hell you can always get a good SCREAM BOP Bag or
Have a chat to Merelyn, always good- in love or what girl.!
August 23rd
Finns are on Andrew Dentons ENOUGH ROPE. Andrew was superb , a really great
interview. I thought Matt Damon who was on the same show was articulate and
quite normal (whatever that is) and it was good to see. Matt is following us
around the media circuit this week...he's on ROVE too. Such a groupie. Nice
Australia moves up to #3 on the Olympic Tally board, bumping off Japan.
Happy Birthday to Jen in Sydney. I called and you were not home, you were
probably out networking your new play, or ironing those Red pants for
Head off to JIms for dinner with some good friends, fine food, that Greek
flag, I pay and do it fast before that Yeti pulls out his credit card.!
What a nice night.
August 24th
Dye Tim Finns shirt purple, as was my promise. It looks good, hope he
remembers not to wash it with his other clothes for awhile..and TF no
super-sweating or you'll be Purple Finn.
Watch LOST IN TRANSLATION with Mark and have to say that I LOVE 'Just like
Honey' which is performed by Jesus & the Mary Chain. I have the album that
it's on and will have to hunt it out and get addicted to it all over again.
Aussie baseball team exceptional- beating Japan 1-0 in the semi final. So
depending on the final it's Gold or Silver, this has to be the best moment
for Aussie baseball. Lock in a game with the family in a few weeks... we all
need some exercise.
Finns on ROVE. Someone try's to call, was that you Neil Finn and why didn't
you call by for a cup of tea. I'm far more important then that Rove man.
August 25th
We started mailing out the Finn album to fans yesterday, or was it the day
before, we have had hardly any sleep. Each copy has to be address checked,
customs forms filled in, log book filled, old cover removed, signed cover
added, packaged, stamped.... 2 days with no sleep. So many but we are making
headway. If people would stop emailing we'd get more done.
JB Prahran tell me they ordered in 70 copies of the album and have already
sold 50. That's pretty good. It looks set to be JB's biggest selling album
this week. I just want it to be the #1 album in Victoria.
August 26th
Box CDs, a sea of SEADEES. (opps). I swear Neil and Tim just winked at me on
the cover. That river is making me sea sick....
Have to have a break, so we head to Daguerre's for an early dinner.
Carry 3 more mail bags down to the mail box. Parcels take an extra week for
overseas, all those security checks and they get scanned. Watch out for the
Finn Brothers Mr Bush ... Neils head might just explode one day if he
doesn't get all those lyrics out....
Pack my bags for Sydney....well rush and pack. We work till 4.00 in the
morning boxing these CDS.
August 27th
No sleep don't even try. Walking around the house at 5.30. Give Cosmo a
cuddle and he always looks the same, never sleepy. He thinks I'm a freak
being awake at this hour.
I wake Mark up, nuzzle him and say goodbye...
No traffic at this hour, Melbourne is asleep, sensible people. Quick drive
to the airport and leave the 4WD with Valet Parking. I somehow sit in the
wrong seat on the plane, my brain is in my pocket, not in my head. Read
Michael Moores DUDE-WHERE IS MY COUNTRY. It's even better the 2nd time
around. The big guy has the best sense of humour .
Arrive Sydney and Hertz has a new car pickup system, you don't really get to
see any people, I am out of the airport within 5 minutes and they upgraded
me to some new super car. Hey I look good in white. Nice car.
I call into the florist and she says 'I remember you, you are THAT GUY from
Melbourne'. Wow celebrity..I am THAT GUY...better then Fat Guy or Crap Guy.
Yes I say I am 'That Guy'. I buy flowers for Mum, flowers for the
Crematorium flowers for us all. Flowers for all the people eh Nicole?
I call into the Crematorium and I'm the only person here, well lots of dead
people but I am the living walking amongst the dead....hell lets face it I
AM the slayer. I should of packed our Buffy coat.
So strange all the roses have been pruned and the place looks smaller. I
struggle to find the various family plots. I finally do... and seeing my
Uncles name just makes me cry. Not a lot just some tears. He was a good man,
a really good man, and probably the most honest person I knew, apart from
Marky. I let some emotions out, it's hard to do after all these weeks, god
months... but I have to, or my head will be messy. So I sit and put some
flowers around his stone, my grandads and grandmas stones too. I visit Dad
and that saddens me- so many of the strong male figures in my life have
moved onto a better one. I miss them all.
I can tell that Mum and Sis have visited lately, my Mum would be great in
New Orleans on the day when the families whitewash the tombs and graves, she
has a gentle touch around death that comes from truly caring. That sounds
morbid, it's not, but I can tell tat she has been here.
I say my good-byes and as I drive off I do start to cry, my sunglasses are
blotched and useless so I pull over in case I have a car accident. I hear my
Uncles voice, joking- 'hey if you do have a crash you are at the right
place, handy...' I chuckle. I decide to take the alternative route to Mums
and go via the lake. Many years since I took the sailing boat out, but it's
nice to see the water. It has a calmness with me and I let it cheer me up.
I put some Visine in my eyes so the red will go and it will be a disguise so
Mum won't be upset. She cries enough for us all.
I arrive home and she is waiting and gives me a warm cuddle, she likes my
white car. Mum has a new groovy haircut with coloured streaks- she confesses
they are natural grey (opps). Grey IS a colour...(cough)
Soon after, she has convinced me to drive to another suburb to visit the
great Aunt and great Uncle. So we do and it's fun. Mum and Dibby (that's the
great Aunts nick-name) are truly joined at the hip and are fun, I miss that
in Melbourne.
Finally home again and Mum is trying to fatten me up- you are getting too
skinny as I hike up my jeans, she grabs the back- waist 28! Shakes her head
(coming from the 7 1/2 stone matriarch I find that pretty perverse Moogie).
We stay up very late, especially for her and watch the Olympics (who would
of thought) and we cheer on China & Brazil in the Vollyball. Goodnight
Moogie. 'Oh that damn Ferengie name..will you stop that' she laughs.
'Never' I say.
I tell her that we three (Sis, Mum and myself are off to China for the
Olympics in 4 years...) that's the plan anyway.
August 28th
Horrible sleep, hate this bed, I never liked this bed, and I am a tangle of
sheets and blankets and the guilt that my Mum is in the next room has
probably removed my morning hard-on forever! *grin*
Breakfast in bed (and yes hard on gone..too much information *sorry*).
Crispy bacon and some strange juice... but it's good.
We drive to Mullet Creek at lunch time and I have packed a picnic lunch for
us. It's nice down here by the water. She can't decide on the best tree so
we are like Bourke & Wills and continue travelling. FINALLY the right tree.
It's good, we snack, drink and chat. She tells me stories, that are so
important to me, our history, little things about her and Dad. Nice
memories, right back to Butternut the cow, how Grandpa got the land for the
house and why some sides of the family are a tad bitter (our close
family-thankfully- is a bitter-free zone). I think story telling is missing
at many homes, and it's what man (and wo-man) does best..that oral history.
I love it, everything; the truths, half truths, the skeletons and the
endless Big Fish stories. (Hey I come from a fishing family...what can I
say-endless Big Fish stories).
People talk to Mum, she's 'kindly' they like her, they tell her things, they
trust her. That day at Mullet Creek, the whole six strangers in the area all
came up and talked to her. It never ceases to amaze me.
Head home and watch , yes more Olympics. The dutch looked pretty pissed when
the Kookaburra's Hockey team won- the 48 years of silver and bronze places
finally gave way to a Gold for our mens hockey team. It also gave Australia
it's highest medal count ever. Aussie Aussie.
Sis calls by and we go into Wollongong, just a drive, some shopping and
coffee. She loves her car, it's the best present I've given anyone and she
looks after it. She has to shop at Rivers, and I see these really nice
patent leather shoes, almost sensible, oh stuff it, just too tempting, I
won't eat for a few days. Sis shakes her head, 'they are nice' she says...
encouraging me...we are bad for each other in the shopping area... but great
for the economy.
We call into the nursery and buy some plants for Mum, she's good with them,
her garden is appreciated by half the street. Joan Green-Thumb we call her.
Home in time to watch the Opals win their way into the final. A great
basketball team, and one of their players Jackson is exceptional and kind of
naturally daggy- and we like that. She rocks.
Colin Powell cancelled a trip to Athens for the closing ceremony of the
games- anti American sentiment is at an all time high. They are fighting in
the streets. I guess Bush thinks if Powell goes and the protests really
explode the publicity will be extra bad for him...hey it's election time.
Duck and cover.
I flick over the TV channel and see Shannon Knowles killing 'Better be home
soon' on Australian Idol, in front of 10,000 screaming fans. urgh. I hope
Neil is getting loads of money for this. Urgh.
Jet win Best Rock Clip at the MTV awards- onya lads.
August 29th
Happy Birthday Sis.
Weather changes about 4.00 in the morning and it's cold and grey. It's like
a bit of Melbourne was hiding in my bag and escaped and covered the sky. We
rearrange the house for Sis's birthday dinner. I set off party poppers and
streamers are hanging from the ceiling fans. Mum cooks the best roast-ever.
John hoWARd heads to Government House to call an election. It's about time,
glad he's stop playing with us (urghh scary non sexual though Urgh Urgh
Urgh). The Australian Election will be on October 9th, only 42 days that we
might have to suffer him as our PM. That's the nice thought for the day.
Don't want to think about how horrible it will be to suffer him any longer.
If you are away on election day and you WANT to help get rid of John hoWARd
you can call the Labor hotline to secure a postal vote, absentee or pre-poll
vote. The Greens and Democrats would also have a help line.
Phone- 1800 005 383
It's funny, my Mum a strong Labor supporter is talking up The Greens big
time (the Party not our family), which is wonderful. My sister said at the
table 'Oh I'm voting for John hoWARd and the Liberals'...and it went quiet
and then everyone laughed. "fooled you' she said.... I didn't ask who she was really voting for... as
long as she votes. I like to think she has some intelligence to see that War
is wrong, the children overboard lie was such a political vote grabbing
exercise and that you should have the same rights no matter what sexes you
are. The fact that my Mum may vote Green after all these years of Labor is a
good thing. Headlines- JOAN GREEN VOTES GREEN! Dad is in heaven shaking his
head..but in a proud way.
The Iraq War was the last straw for me against this hideous little shit of a
man (John HoWARd), it's funny my few liberal voting friends, most of them
are the first to complain about having little money, high taxes etc. They
all fell for the Iraq lie and some even believed that Iraq was responsible
for the 9/11 horror.
One was telling me about the mobile van for weapons of mass destruction,
saying 'see, see'...and it ended up being a mobile van that produced
hydrogen for targeting balloons . John hoWARd like Bush will try and use
fear to get your vote, it's time we all said it's not working anymore.
Invading Iraq was wrong, you don't set a country free by bombing woman,
children and innocents, destroying it's infrastructure so your country can
make money from rebuilding it. Australia should not of been so lame-arsed to
support this and John hoWARds reward was taking it up the rear, was in the
form of the Free Trade Agreement. I still like Tony Blair in some micro
sort of way, as Michael Moore said- someone just slap some sense into him,
but hey - if the dominoes have to fall at election time- let it be 1-2-3.
HoWARd, Bush and Blair and let all three of them think about what they have
done. Bush, even now ,admits the War on terror will never succeed. Maybe if
we removed the weapons of mass destruction from the country who has the
most, that would be a start...oh Mr Bush sorry THATS YOU & the good ol' USA.
On our recent tour of the States it did my heart good to meet so many
passionate, progressive thinking, intelligent people. I left America knowing
that yes indeed it has a chance, and that there could be a real reality this
upcoming election that George W. will get the boot. It's no longer an
acceptable excuse to vote for a party because your family always has, that's
a cop out. People know what's right and what's wrong, let it show in your
Every vote counts- and you can register online at:
It was great to see 100,000, 200,000 a whole shit load of people marching
against Bush in NYC and other areas around the States. Michael Moore and
Jesse Jackson leading the pack. The world really can be a better place by
Christmas. It's that simple.
Meanwhile back on the couch. My Mum has fallen asleep, the very same moment
her dog Snowy drifted off. I cover them both over with a knitted quilt.
I watch 'The fifth element' and scribble down some notes for projects.
A friend who works in the political arena tells me to expect hoWARd to
announce that there will be an election in Australia October 9th. He does
next day. My friend is never wrong.
The next call is to tell me that the Finn Brothers EVERYONE IS HERE debuts
at #2 on the Australian chart, the best news is that it is number one on the
Victorian State chart. All our hard work has paid off. Our State is the only
state where it is #1. It entered the U.K. chart at #8 and New Zealand is
expecting it to debut at #1. (PHEW).
I tune into the Olympics farewell ceremony, just in time to catch Aussie
Craig Miller (water polo player) dropping his pants and being grabbed by
Olympic security and taken out of the stadium. The same security can't
prevent several Aussies making a final run around the track much to the
crowds delight. See we are all trouble-makers, it's in our convict blood.
It's one reason the rest of the world loves us, larrikin's all of us.
So farewell from me, farewell from Craig Millers butt and farewell from the
Olympic games. Snowy and Mum and snoring a morse code goodnight as well to
each and everyone of you. ZZZZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZZZ ZZZ
Bring it on John hoWARd! The clock is ticking...and George W, Michael Moore
is coming for you and he is carrying a VERY big stick (well I think it's a
Time for a change ... and I don't mean the song.
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