July 29thMark uses his iSubscribe present/card and we end up signing on for Time magazine for 6 months. Cost us $6 so that seemed a bargain. We lost interest in Time when they put George Bush as "Man of the year" made us both puke. Lets hope they have improved-but hey for $6 there must be something of interest.I start hanging various Crowded House backdrops outside to air, and to clean them. Check for mould and rot. It's something I have to do every year to maintain them for our archives. I love how they sit amongst our gum trees, especially Nick Seymours "falling down town" it's like mother nature reclaiming some crumbling city-way too cool. The locals jogging and driving by stop and stare in amazement! I'm waiting for a thousand iPhones to be pulled out and photos taken. July 30thTodays backdrop is stage left, 2 segments... they smell like a tour..sweaty and a tad of dust. i can't believe that we finally have a few days of beautiful weather. I miss sunshine.I speak to Sis for ages today, she feels like the baby is well and truly on it's way, I won't be surprised if it's early-Mum thinks it will be. Mum and myself both think it's a girl, everyone else says a boy-guess we will know soon enough. We only care that Sis and kid are both ok. I have this wonderful sister, so happy she is part of our lives. Still amazes me she is having a baby! July 31stMiss Jane arrives at 10.00 for breakfast. We head to the ducks and it's so nice to catch up. Later that day I head to the barber at Mountaingate and the girls give me a dye job (sounds almost rude) and I ask them to cut my hair short short short..I have an urge to be a hedge hog. I figure I have a week + to go before the birth for it to grow out nicely. I look in the mirror-wow that IS short.. it will grow fast, it always does.I'm crossing the Coles car park and a guy walks past and goes "hey nice haircut man". I guess it's the bits of red in my hair, it kind of sparkles. Or maybe he was hitting on me, both are compliments. I smile say thanks and continue walking. haircuts are good they always make me feel happy and alive and recharged. It must also be the brilliant scalp massage the barber girls give...when they condition, makes me purr like a pussycat! I'm a sucker for a good massage. August 1stUrgh Tony Abbott on the front of the paper-each day he looks more and more like Mr Burns from the Simpsons-what an ugly fucker he is. Ugly on the outside and even worse on the inside-please ALL Australians think before you vote, we can't have this heinous pig destroying this brilliant country! I'll be glad when Malcolm Turnbull returns as Liberal leader!I'm keeping my word and trying to make my Sheepbook Opps Facebook (*GRIN*) page interesting every day. Just putting in some time... so many compliments on it, so that is nice. Of course I overdo it, but what the heck, if I'm biting the bullet lets make it worthwhile. So many Facebook pages are so dull, are peoples lives really like that-holy fuck I hope not. Anyway if you want to be part of my FB page head here: https://www.facebook.com/peter.green.165033 I know there are 2 million Peter Greens so I figure this way it is easier. I hear from Amanda today, which was good, not great news but her family continue to support each other- which was good to see. I make my special Tomato soup and Mark gobbles it up-he never eats soup but loves this. It has all spices and some chillies and fresh tomatoes and bacon etc.. a bit of cream, smells superb and perfect for this Wintery weather. I found out that smoking accounts for 750,000 hospital bed days a year in Australia. Why would anyone want to mess up their life by smoking. Urgh. I'm glad Mr Rudd is moving the Federal Tobacco Excise up to 12.5%, make it 50% charge them a lot more, it may saves lives and free up our hospital beds! August 2ndOur lovely Vali Myers would of turned 83 today. We miss her so much, truly honoured to have a piece of her art. My mate Merl reminded me that it was Vali's birthday so I popped a few bits and pieces up on my sheepbook page.The final episode of American Horror Story-Asylum was tonight and loved it, such a great show. Glad it is back for a 3rd season. It is true I did order a "Worlds Best Uncle" tee and a Groovy grandmother badge for mum ! Ok I'm into it..not long now- cmon Sis pop it out! August 3rdKalorama- WollongongAfter 5 times refusing Tony Abbott finally agrees on a debate with PM Rudd- what is Mr Abbott scared of- the Australian people seeing him as the scumbag that he is probably! I have coffee at the general store- and chat to Toni & Sharlet. I had a weird morning, Mark wandered in to wake me up and I got this massive leg cramp, the worst cramp I have ever ever had... I actually bellowed at Marks "I think my sister is having the baby" -isn't that a strange thing to say.....well maybe not. At 1.20 this beautiful little girl was born. My sister was so lucky a 1 hour birth- so quick. I got a phone call in the afternoon and it just suddenly became insanity. The flights were all booked out, so i couldn't swap tickets over, I had to call in favours and finally got on a flight. I was determined to keep my promise that I would arrive with my mum ... and of course have a packet of dutch licorice for Jen! Mark was amazing and I was crazy... and probably a bit of a shit.. I just had to get home- he got that. I stuffed about 6 spoons of tomato soup in my mouth, basically left in the clothes I had on and rushed to the airport. By the time I eventually reached Wollongong it was midnight. I was running on adrenalin but excited to be able to see Sis and my new niece at the very first chance. Mum was both excited and a tad shell shocked. Neither of us slept that night.... August 4thWollongongWe are up very early because we haven't slept... we head into town as I want to buy 2 toys and other bits and pieces... I have my fantastic camera Marky bought-that canon is amazing and my cheapo Fuji as a back up. I drop Mum off at the hospital doors so she doesn't have to walk-and I park down the bottom of the steep steep hill and you almost need a hospital bed climbing the hill!!!! We walk so fast, well as fast as an old lady can.... and there she is my amazing sister and the most beautiful little creature I have ever seen. They still have not officially named her but it looks like she will be Madison Ivy (after a favourite Aunt no longer with us) Moore (Sis's married name)...so MIM. I decide she is MIM to me... I take this precious gift and talk to her, and I can't stop singing Don McLeans "Starry Starry Night" no idea why.. It's not the "with eyes that know the darkness in my soul" line..but probably " this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you"... anyway MIM loves it and continual nods off to sleep -which seems to bewilder my sister....I have the power!!!! Relatives from both sides arrive and depart and I am so stoked to see my lovely Mum cuddling this grand child to see her so happy means a lot-good work Sis. We head home and I promise I will return next visiting time in 3 hours. The day is a blur, I buy loads of fresh fruit for us (and sis).... and I do visit and once more baby hog Madison. If I run off really fast I might be able to steal her! Her little eyes occasionally open and I am suckered by her innocence and just sheer beauty. Her parents adore her, her family members adore her, she has arrived with bucket loads of love. Today is the most special day. If the internet last forever, who knows in 16 years MIM may well read this and know how she changed our lives! I call in and see Marks Mum and step dad and show them photos... I am a good son in law! Mr Rudd calls an election for September 7th- I swear Tony Abbott will not get in- I want this kid to be part of an exceptional Australia, not suffer fools like Tony Abbott and their destructive nature. I don't have a child but I now have a niece and that is a good reason to stand up and be counted. August 5thI'm heading back tonight, I make a quick visit to see my great aunty and uncle- Tom and Esther and they are so happy to see me-they make me feel so amazingly special. It's only a short visit but we laugh and they are in their nineties and so SHARP! I'm sure Tom knows more about my bands then I do! Esther cuddles up to the soft blanket I bought her for christmas... I know I'll see them in a few months at christmas... they are very old but loved.I head in to see Sis and Mim and for the full hour I have my niece to myself...no sharing.... great just to sit with my sister. Mum says we are closer then ever . She is right. We laugh and roll eyes at stupid people. I sing, I really do need to get all the words for Starry Starry Night-I'm now making them up. Sis walks down the corridor with my niece to say goodbye and it is so hard to leave. I head home as Mum has been feeling a bit average, I think she's running on nervous energy and make have a cold. She's sitting with her neighbour Valda...and Mum says she wants the whole street to know about the new baby girl. So I pretend to go and get petrol and I buy all the pink balloons and crepe paper and we cover mums verandah- makes her smile. I soon have to say goodbye- it all seemed lightening fast- I am exhausted, my 3rd day of no sleep...... I have coffee and ice coffee to empower me. I'm running on caffeine, which I rarely do. I head to the freaky flyer and tweet and send some info out via FB. I might as well let everyone know how happy we are. I grab a shower pack from the desk and have a really super hot shower... feels great. The flight is delayed as we sit on the tarmac.. I am the security door guy for the flight -which also means lots of leg room....I show the stewardess photos of my niece.. I can't remember the flight...Melbourne is cold when I arrive, takes me awhile to find my car. I get home around 11.00 and Mark has made the best home made sausage rolls- YUM! I missed my best friend..... August 6thI have to check out Peter Fitzpatricks book on Frank Thring, what a fascinating character Frank was. Was "Franks Dark Past" song based on him... I always forget, I love that rare crowded house song.I eat the best Rogan Josh I have EVER tasted from Indian By Nature -which is based up here on Mt Dandenong -so good was it I phoned them and thanked them, I rarely do that! August 7thLooks like we are announcing some Neil Finn Live dates soon, just a few festivals for the end of the year for Australia...more dates will follow.... it's very early days. Which also means new music will be played- how brilliant.December 2013- Lorne-Victoria-Australia-The Falls Festival Link: http://lorne.fallsfestival.com.au/ December 2013 -Marion Bay-Tasmania -The Falls Festival Link: http://marionbay.fallsfestival.com.au/ January-2014-Byron Bay-NSW-Australia-The Falls Arts Festival Link: http://byronbay.fallsfestival.com.au/ January-2014-Busselton-WA-Australia-The Southbound Festival Link: http://www.southboundfestival.com.au/ Head to www.frenz.com/neilfinn/ or www.frenz.com/crowdedhouse/ Interest rates in Australia now the lowest since 1959. So much for Tony Abbott's claim that Interest rates would always be lower under the Liberals- he is such a liar. August 8thI put a small advert in the Wollongong Mercury... gotta have a baby advert or she'd feel unloved!![]() August 9thThe high court unanimously dismisses Andrew Forests challenge to the mining tax. I'm glad the mining companies have to pay up, share the mineral wealth, the Rineharts of this world are such leaches.I put up some Howard Finster art shots today, trying to keep my FB page interesting..... August 10thA reminder that we only have till August 15th (midday) to cast a vote for Split Enz, Crowded House & Skyhooks for GREATEST Australasian band in the Music Max Poll. Please could everyone do this, if you live overseas just put Sydney or Melbourne for the suburb. Please vote here lets get them into the top 10. http://legendspoll.maxtv.com.au/ The results happen on Enz man Nigel Griggs birthday. Love for the Enz to make top 10.I do some very basic work on the next book "TRAVEL"... just some notes. Want to get THE EARLY YEARS finished first. Rosemaree calls into the General Store for a coffee which is nice, her birthday soon, I have found her the perfect birthday gift! Isabelle in France sends us some tasty chocolates, it's been 25 years since her little fan letter arrived for the Enz... amazing -25 years and still spoiling us! The Woodface apartment is for sale... in fact both apartments are-they expect them to go for about $750,000 each! Great to see that Sharon Finns lovely deco bathroom has stayed the same... nice memories of that place. I make my special tomato soup (again) which Mark seems to love....it is indeed pretty damn fine. August 11thQuite a few orders for THE EARLY YEARS book today, just extended the pre order date by a week which means people pay the cheaper postal rate. After that we have to put up the price, we have no say in it, just the higher postage I'm afraid..it kills us...postage just seems so much in Oz.Chat to our mate Toija, one of those phone calls where we are both in hysterics on the phone, I had to sit on the floor as I was laughing so much.. laughter what a great tonic eh! I laughed even louder when Tony Abbott opened his mouth during tonights political debate. The shit he speaks... you just have to laugh or it would be very sad. The twit has had 3 years to get their budget together for all their election promises, the people want to know how they are paying for this but he refused to answer. So suss..... Mr Rudd just blew him away. On climate change he looks at Abbott and goes "...we never denied the science unlike some..." (oh and he scores!) but the winning line for us was Mr Rudd and Labor commitment on Gay Marriage. "We support marriage equality because it is a mark of decency". For the first time an Australian PM has stood up and been counted on gay marriage- he should be applauded, no he should be voted in. Mr Abbott is such a homophobe- PLEASE DO NOT VOTE THIS EVIL HOMOPHOBE IN. Our Liberal mates thankfully won't vote for him... it really is in Australia's hands on September 7th-please everyone make your vote count. This is an amazing country don't let it become a shit hole with Tony Abbott as PM! See I've just put my soapbox under the bed! Welcome to the world Madison... your uncles love you! Peter & Mark |