![]() "Oz Music T-shirt Day" |
November 25thPearl Jam played "Even Flow" onstage last night, super fast McCready a great solo with guitar behind head. Ed Vedders voice soaring to the heavens.My immune system responds by releasing various chemicals called cytokines and prostaglandins. So having a few strange aches and pains from this, I have this odd moment where it's like my wrist is broken. I've lost my appetite and Mark is starting to cough a bit too. We Covid test but all clear so we have caught something else, and I dare say it was from the Hoodoo Gurus gig. That hot sweaty night. Usually my body has won the battle by this stage but this ones hanging around. November 26thHappy birthday to Toija and Maz. We manage to get some cards to them, ok Mark always reminds me as I suck at birthdays.The weather seems to mimic my illness, grey, wet and rather miserable. Maybe I am becoming delirious. I am living in bed and just can't eat. I do have a craving for watermelon. That's as good as it gets. November 27thI arise from my sick bed like Lazarus from the pit, determined to get Markys Youtube Wednesday up. Even with Mark starting to get ill he puts in all of this time around Crowded House "Farewell to the World.. 28 years on". So much editing and I didn't make it any easier with the endless retakes. The fans will love this one and it takes off instantly as soon as we put it up. Mark deserves all the applause on this video. Fans love it.I go to buy "Be My Guru" (Rocking Horse Records) a coloured vinyl single and it's sold out. A tad frustrating. I've been good Santa. Come on... November 28thI try to look after Marky today as he is really sick now too. At least this means we can cuddle up to each other. It will pass but I worry how potent and nasty this bug is. Suddenly we are seeing a lot of reports around people going to hospital and now Covid is raising its evil head again too in Australia.November 29thSick is boring. I blow out charity for a week. I do drive to the bakery and IGA to buy food. I wear my Crowded House "Farewell to the World" t-shirt as it's "Oz Music t-shirt Day". A few people make nice comments. So many music lovers up here in the hills. All wearing music shirts today.I'm no longer contagious so drive to Upper Ferntree Gully and catch up with Andy (White) at The Quarry bakery. His son Seb joins us too and we have some very cool Art/Music chats. Andy departs in a few days time, he'll be away for half a year, sad as we will miss him. I head to the discount store, which has moved, to buy some strange masks for the family Christmas photo. I like our "Xmas Freaks" group photo every year. I have bit of a coughing fit driving up the Devils Elbow so pull on over till it passes. This shitty bug just won't give up. November 30thHospitalisations in Victoria have increased by 59% around Covid over the past month. The JN-1 sub variant of Omicron is the current dominant strand. At least I am Covid free still, that's something positive.Deb from work calls me and we have a chat for awhile. I miss my charity crew. December 1stHoly Cow, the year is ending. I am shocked that it is December, so much for yours truly getting all the Christmas presents done before December 1st, a bit of a fail on that one.It's sunny outside but annoyingly windy, let's hope we are clear of bushfires today. It's the perfect weather for a big fire to hit the national park. I do manage to make some lasagne for dinner and we both eat it all, slowly our appetites are returning. I sit down with my Christmas list, I have managed one third of presents so that's pretty good. December 2ndLabor move ahead by 2 points in the latest Morgan Poll. Dutton the Dud again is behind as Preferred PM, something like the 80th consecutive time. Dutton would make horrid PM. No thanks.I was thinking about the little Bowie showcase I attended in Sydney, way back in October 1987. The press and a handful of Bowie fans. I was extra thrilled as he played two songs- "Young Americans" and "Jean Genie". I was right in front of him, I did tie up a loose shoelace on his very cool shoes. Yes I touched Bowies shoes. I could have grabbed one and bolted with it but I controlled the urge. The date of the showcase was 27th October (1987) at The Tivoli. Just a few days before he started the Glass Spider Tour here. All these people who go on they are such huge Bowie fans but failed to attend this awesome moment. It's Bowie FFS why wouldn't you hitch, crawl, blow a truck driver just to make it to such an event. I remember Bowie saying "You can't help but get older but you don't have to get old". Amen to that David. I call up our local Dr and they are sick but we are scheduled in for this Friday. Marks still not great and I don't want this crappy bug getting into his lungs. December 3rdI force myself to get up and go into the charity. I only manage 3 hrs, feeling a bit weak so need to get home while I can still drive. We both sleep on and off for the rest of the day. Maybe we need to be more patient and let ourselves recover. Thanks for all the emails and messages too-people are so kind.Lots of nice comments and views around the Crowded House "Farewell to the World..28 Years" little doco. With the latest version of Crowded House coming up soon with some shows at the Opera House it's probably good timing on our part. December 4thWe are up early and arrive at the Drs and he is on time and only a few minutes wait. He checks Mark out, some antibiotics etc. A bit of APX Roxithranycin and some other pills. Good that it hasn't caused other grief.Foxtel -Telstra send us another $10.00 cheque, is this the Third or Fourth?. We don't ask why, we just bank them. It's very weird, but maybe they owe us for something? They make it impossible to call them so we just don't. But hey thanks Telstra. Markys Youtube Wednesday goes up on time. It's a cool one. Way back in 1981 when Split Enz played their "Outback Tour". The gig is Thebarton Town Hall, Adelaide. March 21st 1981. I'd been working in the Enz office for a year. It's a rather fine version of "My Mistake". Mark resurrected a dying cassette tape somehow and fixed up the sound. It sounds GREAT. You have to give this one a listen. December 5thFeeling up for work so into the charity. Quite a few staff members are ill but the boss is back so that is great. It's going to be another stinker hot day. By 3.00 the boss sends us all home, as it climbs past the temperature limit. So I'm home an hour early which is nice.Crowdies are at the Opera House, I'm sure the crowd will love the gigs. I wish they'd do something about the stage set, the backdrop is becoming rather dull. Nick needs to get his hands dirty a bit more, add some of his creative inspiration into it. After seeing the amazing Hoodoo Gurus stage set I was really inspired. Anyway have great time everyone. December 6thUp early and we head over to Eastlands to get as much Christmas shopping done as possible. We score a car park on level three and we hit the shops. A few things we miss out on but we find them elsewhere at other stores. Only one shop was crazy, the rest very civilised and a case of good timing. I call into MECCA last and buy MIM some of her favourite stuff. By the time we arrive home only 4 things needed on the list.I answer emails in the office, I hear from NZ around Split Enz and a few people suddenly call out of the blue because Crowded House are in town. Time people realise I no longer work for the band and no longer have any influence over tickets. While the shopping vibe is still trickling in my veins I jump in the red beast and drive to Monbulk. I forget the Main Street is closed for some shopping festival so follow the detour signs. I head into Woolworths Monbulk and complete my grocery list. With the strike on, the Woolworth shelves have been empty , so I am happy to find all the things I needed here especially all the bits for my Christmas Pudding. I get a few more items and head back down the detour road. I think a sign blew away as I missed the turn. Suddenly I am stuck behind what looks like a NASA spacecraft. There must be 50 cars behind me as we snail along at 5 kms an hour. I spot a turn off to Olinda and take the shot. Someone suggests that SETI are setting up house up her win the Hills. Well certainly enough UFO activity. Andy White puts up "I Miss You" (filmed by Marky) on his Facebook page for fans to enjoy… a final goodbye as he leaves for Ireland. We'll miss you too Andy. December 7thI pick enough blackberries for one small bucket and end up making 10 of the 16 jam jars. I'll have to wait for more berries to do the final few. So a very limited run this year. Inspired in the kitchen so what the hell, I made the Christmas Pudding too, it has 8 sixpences in it this year. I wrap up presents and fill the big box that I am mailing to Sis. Later when the jams are cool I add some bottles of those into the box too. I tape it closed and it is ready to be mailed on Monday. It's nice to get all of this done.I'm over the cooking so drive to Olinda Fish and Chip shop tonight to buy some dinner. Sometimes you want it easy and they are lovely people who own it. I run into Mark #2 at the IGA so a fun chat. Their house is now on the market, its been month so they are just waiting for an eager buyer. House selling is stress, am so glad it isn't us. December 8thI wake up at sunrise and keep drifting off. Suddenly it's 9.30 am. Midnight is trying to remain patient.I chat to locals while sipping my coffee at the bakery, a few new people are moving up here to live. I feel like some strange welcome ambassador. Mark and myself attack the evil jasmine that has taken over the decking. We both run out of steam. Fill the green bin but that's all we could muster. In the office for a few hours this afternoon, sending some Christmas cards and answering emails. I bought a tattslotto ticket last night and win almost $30, so ten dollars ahead. Woo Woo! So that's kind of it, only a few weeks till Christmas. I am looking forward to seeing the family. Everyone looking older and I , none the wiser. I just want a joyous Xmas this year. We are sending out our love to our friend Jen who is currently in hospital. An amazing woman and she will fight the good fight and win this. Take care everyone. Ho! Ho! Ho! The Xmas Gryphon. |