
The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 2 September - 22 September 2024


“Puffing Billy- Mt Dandenong, Victoria.”

September 2nd

So here I am in the office. The rain falling outside, Spring rain, not so bad, it doesn't have the bite of a Winter deluge. The last week a bit brutal up here on Mt. Dandenong. A lightening strike took out our NBN box, so Internet down, no emails. So I sit here Net Free working on the latest F/16 diary. I was looking for the "Cabaret" movie soundtrack to keep me company but couldn't find it in the library so went for Neil Young's "Living With War". It's an old favourite of mine, the Neil Young album that I love. I was never a big Neil Young fan, in truth it was Ed Vedder that turned me onto the "other Neils" music. Vedder giving me the N.Y Best Of. Now that's great "Best Of".

Songs from that Bush era ,all about War. One or two bring a tear , especially "Living With War". I take a holly vow to never kill again. So here I am while the lasagne is cooking at the house. Singing along with the other Neil. So why are you all here again? Oh the diary…. Ok here it is. Stay strong and believe that goodness will overcome evil. But you know sometimes you gotta stand up and take a stand against what is bad.

Happy Birthday to our mate Spock, who is indeed now living in his seventies. One of the Boom Crash Opera guys and a good mate. On his way back from NZ , and we wish him a great birthday.

So strange , I was thinking about what a great Aussie Surfer Nat Young is and his named popped up on two things tonight on TV shows. So odd, I also spotted one of his surfboards forsale. A sign from the Surf Gods?

I reply to some texts from Katja and Kim, stoked they caught up with each other and they sent us the best photo. Thanks girls, you both look really happy. Nice.

The winds are really picking up speed across the entire state, 180,000 without electricity. Trees down on Tourist Rd again and power on the mountain vanishes. I make it to Olinda and only the lads at the Storehouse Roastery are open so I have a cake and a great coffee. I unplug one of their lights and charge my mobile phone. A wise decision for them to install a generator.

I call Nigel on the other side of the mountain to check in on him, he's ok. He says how lucky we are to have each other especially during such times when the power is out, and he is correct. My glass is half full during these blackouts. We have gas, so still cooking which is good and I make us a homemade Apple pie, we both have a mountain of books to read and some great talks. I smile at Mark on his couch with his miners light on, reading, Midnight the cat snuggling up to him. Thanks everyone for checking on us too. We sit in front of the roaring fire. I count my blessings. Sometime it's nice to have the primal basics in a high tech world.

September 3rd

A chance I was going to Tassie around some of the flood disaster but the Evac Centre at New Norfolk isn't insanely busy so thats good. We get some supplies to the Apple aisle. I keep an eye on the Meadowbank Dam , NW of Hobart, its spilling over, so much water rushing down the Derwent river. I'm in contact with some of our people, everyone is safe. It's around 48 ms from the Evac Centre so even if the worse happens and the dam fails everyone should be safe still. If not at least time to move people elsewhere.

We venture out into the wild weather and have dinner at Dudleys. Only a few here tonight and the staff spoil us. I'm careful driving home as a few trees are still crashing to the ground. We snuggle in bed and watch loads of stuff on SBS/ABC.

September 4th

The Coalition primary vote has dropped one spot and Dutton is still BEHIND Albanese as Preferred PM. The 77th consecutive Poll with Dutton the Dud behind. Let's hope Mr Potato Head never becomes PM. I think Angus Taylor will give him the good old Liberal knife in the back. Maybe some help from Sussan Ley.

Marky's Youtube Wednesday and it's another good one. Crowded House at Melbourne's Palais Theatre. March 26th 1992. The "Then There Were Three" tour. I loved being on that tour and so glad we caught some of it on video. The first single by Crowded House- "Mean To Me".

It's a passionate version, you can enjoy it here

Tim Finn's ESCAPADE 40th Anniversary debuts at #17 on the New Zealand artist chart. Just outside the vinyl Top 20 in Australia. So close. I'll have to find out how many copies of the red vinyl have sold. Only 700 pressed so a nice collectors item. Grab one. Before they are all gone.

Midnight sleeps in Marks bedroom tonight, giving me a tiny break with no interrupted sleep. Hopefully a few nights with the fur ball in his room.

September 5th

I'm in the kitchen at 6.30 am and the loudest thunderclap ever and suddenly the lightening starts. Strangely enough Midnight isn't too fearful. She looks up at me wide eyed and rubs my leg. Yes Dad will protect you.

Out into the rain I go in my disaster coat, off to the charity and a coffee on the way.

I sit in the car park and wish Skyhook Bob Spencer a Happy Birthday. He's 67 today, the youngest of all the Skyhooks.

Today my bargain find of the year. I get a brand new pair of Vans "Flame" SK.8. Ultracush. for my slightly damaged heel. Padded at the back. I slip into them and wear them in comfort bliss all day. Normally $160.00. I won't even say what I paid. Ok. $2.00. Yes NEW with price tag still attached.

I can't call home and I'm a bit worried about Mark. I find out that lightening strikes have taken out our NBN box and the same for many other houses. I call our provider and they are acting on it. I hassle them a bit. I'll try and be patient.

Night number two with Middy in Marks room. Now he knows what it is like to get up at 3.00 am and let her into the kitchen for food.

September 6th

I have a nice chat to Fen today. Sucks those guys live so far away.

I reply to Mal Green via my mobile and his FB message area (still no email or internet, I expect it to be down for a week).

Off to the post office and pay the water bill, I. I can't do that on line either. But it's done and out of the way.

I dig up the Tim Finn ESCAPADE radio interview on vinyl. Mushroom pressed a few hundred for radio stations. I thought with Escapade having its 40th Anniversary release this might be nice time capsule for the fans. Mark spends the afternoon doing the transfers. Tim has a few coughs on it so Mark's going to try and remove them as well.

I manage to mow a bit of the East Lawn before the rain starts, enough to fill the green bin. I love that all the bulbs that I planted are now up and have flowers attached. Ailsa Craig looking rather beautiful. They haven't been destroyed but the winds, somehow they survived.

I managed to punch myself in the eye last night. A lone mosquito went for my face and I swung at it and yes, SOCKO, punched myself, what a dickhead I am. Thankfully no black eye today. Not even sure if I got the mozzie.

Strange lights in the sky over Kalorama tonight, not planes, really odd. As I head to the house I stop in the drizzle and stare at them. Come get me space men, or maybe space women or space multiple sex creatures. I'm sure they'd have a spare space ship for me. We three could easily live in a space ship in lower Earth orbit, watching the beautiful planet below. We could pull the ‘empty toilet' release handle over Donald Chumps house. Drop some space turds on the obese orange turd.

A return of Midnight to my bedroom tonight, which is ok, I kind of missed her at the end of my bed I admit it. She gives me a cat kiss goodnight. I'm hoping the Crowded House USA tour is doing well for the guys. A friend tells me that a lot of the shows are not sold out, but I'm sure they'll get a healthy passionate audience. No sign of "Gravity Stairs'"on the USA chart so I think they are playing to the converted.

September 7

I sleep in a tiny bit , and jump in the Red Beast at 9.00 to go for my coffee. A beautiful day on the mountain but way too many tourists. Some are terrible drivers and almost drive off the edge of the mountain. I chat to one of the Marks at the bakery and watch the passing parade. I think the locals stay in when the tourists invade.

A 4.5 earthquake hits the NSW Hunter region at 6am. Only 2 weeks after one other in the same area. Maybe a big one is on the way?

At midday I make some chocolate mousse for tonights desert.

Still no Internet, NBN is down and IINET haven't called back yet, annoying. I'm just ignoring it, having a break from the Net isn't such a bad thing. We do hope it is back on before Wednesday so Marky can do his Youtube Wednesday or his fans will be worried. Yes Marky has fans, it's all kind of sweet. There are a lot of them, I kind of perversely enjoy it. I tease him.

He's currently working on the Tim ESCAPADE Interview disc (still). We are both laughing as Tim says "I was having a gay old time in Sydney, NOOO a butch old time". That made us chuckle. Anyway it will go up as part of the 40th Anniversary Escapade stuff, a gift from Mark and myself. I don't think it's ever been on Youtube or the Internet before?

I stupidly must of forgot to dry my Wolverine disaster boots after the last lot of flood disasters. So rather grotty and mould. So I sit out on the decking and give them a good clean with some kiwi boot polish. It works wonders, back to their original glory. I'm happy as they are my favourite boot to wear in disaster zones. I always feel a tiny bit safer wearing them, strange I know. As I sit at the table polishing them, our young lioness turns up and heads to the water hole on the table top for a drink. Her little kitty tongue lapping up the rainwater in the bowl. She is a cutie and on such beautiful days like today she has the best time outside.

A late evening call from our service provider and it looks like someone will arrive on Tuesday and replace the NBN box. So those who hang out for Markys Youtube Wednesday all is well, you will get a new video on Wednesday. You can all sleep well now.

September 8th

The fake Kid Rock a billion view bullshit Facebook posts have come in handy. I left an equally fake post on all their pages that our Split Enz "Murder" video clip now had over a Trillion views and people should really check it out instead of Kid Wank. Well it worked, the Murder video now climbed past 9500. Thank you Kid Loser.

I'm working on this diary in the office and playing one of my favourite cds. Dragon with "Sunshine". I'd find it impossible to have a Desert island Top 10 , however I could put together a favourite Top 20 album list. Dragon with "Sunshine" would certainly be on it. It only peaked at #24 in Australia. Very close to a year on the charts and after much flogging the band managed a gold record for it. I don't even think the Aussie release made it onto CD as a stand alone release. We do have the USA copy on CD with the different cover art. Anyway it's a cool record as backing music for me when I am working. They were such a potent live band. We'd see them a lot in the late seventies ('77, '78) usually at some venue where we were underaged. At times Marc Hunter would terrify the shit out of us.

Mark's also in the office, he's putting in huge effort around the Tim Finn "Escapade" Radio Interview LP. (Mushroom MX61172). In the good old days Mushroom would do these radio LP's, mostly for regional radio. They'd come with a Q&A sheet and the DJ would ask the printed question and play the vinyl with Tims reply. Apart from the transfer, Mark is also typing in each and every question for the fans to enjoy. It's no doubt tedious but he always goes the extra yard for music fans. It goes up on our Youtube page when our NBN box is replaced. Our little contribution to Tim Finns ESCAPADE 40th Anniversary.

Hopefully everyone will check this out as Mark has put in such an effort. You can hear it here

5.3 million Aussie homes now have solar panels on their roof. As more coal burning power stations close down it opens up the market (and the power lines) to accept more green energy like solar. The largest (per capita) solar panels of any country. We love our solar.

In the afternoon I vacuum out the car and give the interior a bit of a spray and wipe. Some more oil in and water. Her beauty treatment for the month. The Red Beast will be happy and all of those who travel within her belly.

I forget to take BP in and the toy gets a second washing from the overnight rain. I have to work out a way to put him in the clothes dryer without melting his monkey face. Poor Banana Peel the monkey, he has seen better days.

We love the second season of "Interview With The Vampire". Absolutely perfect. I can't get enough of it. More please. I have the urge to extend my fangs and bite someone…..my Lestat coat is still in the cupboard and fits me still. Watch out Kalorama, Vampire on the loose.

September 9th

We are both fine that sexual orientation and gender questions are featured in the next census. Not sure what the fuss is all about. Are conservatives trying to say Alphabet people do not exist? I don't get it. Maybe they are fearful that everyone can't simply be put into Box A & B. That cats well and truly out of the bag now. No going back. It will interesting results when the census is complete.

I'm sipping my coffee and Charlie the dog visits. After several years he finally agrees to sit when I ask him. Such a lovely mutt. I take a photo of us for sheep book. He is shedding some of his winter coat so some fur flying.

Home again and I wrap BP Monkey's face in a cloth and in the dryer he goes. Just giving him short burst to try and try my old monkey friend. Hoping it works.

I spend part of the day in the office. The brilliant "Tangier" album by Billy Thorpe is what I am playing today. Always sad that he never got to see the finished product. It did well and has to be one of my favourite albums. When we eventually get to Morocco this music gem will be travelling with me. It captures all the tones, smells and beauty of Morocco. Maybe I want "Since you've been gone" played at my funeral when I die at age 200. A majestic beautiful song from "Tangier". "Since you've been gone, I really miss you, Your arms around me, Whenever I fall from grace…."

After dinner Marky sits in his tracks pants and topless while I cut his hair on the decking. As we get older lots less to cut eh? I'm not too bad at giving haircuts.

The last of the Chocolate Mousse tonight while we continue on our Prisoner (Cell Block H) marathon, some Star Trek and the last episode of Interview with the Vampire.

September 10th

I wake up earlier than usual and get ready for the charity. I knock on Marks door before I depart to make sure he is awake in time for the NBN repair man. Thankfully all goes well and we are back on the air, well back on the Net. Apparently loads of nbn boxes etc fried from the lightening strikes in the area.

I see the price of Donald Trumps Media shares continue to plummet. Billions in paper losses, compared to a few months ago. 60% owned by Trump, his stock increasingly worthless, and he can't even sell them till September 19th. Trumps share was $4.65 billion now $1.97 billion and dropping fast. It originally peaked at $40.50 a share and now $16.98. How do you spell KARMA again?

September 11th

Miss Kitty sneaks into the bedroom and wakes me up , gently patting my head. Wake up space boy. She is cute.

We are heading over to pick up Marks Dad and Kerri at the Puffing Billy station. He loves trains so it's nice way for them to arrive. We are taking them to lunch. It will be great to see them.

Before we go, we upload the Tim Finn Video Interview, I try to get the balance right. Markys Youtube, Coffee bakery, drop spare books into Libby at the Monbulk Salvo's store and arrive at the station near Emerald to grab them off Puffing Billy. PHEW!

I drop in some spare books to the charity and the girls at Monbulk are so nice, loads of hugs and chatter. They get to meet Mark, so thats a rarity. The stores looking good but so few volunteers. So I make mental note to possibly call in on Friday and lend them a hand.

Emerald Lake is only 15 minutes away so we arrive early. The setting is sensational, the Aussie landscape surrounds the station and the state government have obviously spent some money. The information centre is huge and has a great food area. Cool paintings by a local artist Karen Alsop. The exhibit is called "Animal Tales" and has iconic Aussie animals working on the railway. We all love it.

The phone rings and Puffing Billy is early so we dash to the platform and see that Peter & Kerri have arrived. So good to see them. I see part of Marks dad in him but mostly his Mum. We have a lovely lunch at the Puffing Billy cafeteria and laughs and chat. It seems to go by so quickly. We didn't even get them to the lake. Which is ok as the paddle boats are closed today.

The return steam train arrives so we go and wave goodbye. They are now in the last carriage. It's open sided carriages so you can sit on the edge and dangle your feet over. I go down to the train itself at the other end and take some photos. It lets out a huge gasp of steam just as I take a photo. The train departs and it is full of Japanese tourists. They all pull out their phones and film, of course there I am waving at hundreds of tourists , so I will certainly be a Youtube hit in Japan. Luckily I had my ray bans on so look reasonably Aussie cool. Peter & Kerri lean out just as they go past so I capture a snap.

Train gone I walk with Mark back to the car, we are the only 2 remaining people in this giant complex, the only car in the car park. Well that was really nice.

We call into the Olinda bakery on the way home to grab some bread rolls. I get us a coffee each and we sit outside and the rain starts again. Good old Melbourne weather.

Markus YouTube Wednesday does go up today. As promised it's the Tim Finn Interview LP from 1983. Tim sounds so relaxed and joyous on this vinyl promo item. Well worth having a listen to, as it gives some more details around the making of his first solo LP. Perfect timing for the 40th Anniversary Red vinyl reissue that just came out too. You can hear it here.

September 12th

A bit of a restless sleep. I turn the alarm off at 5.30 am and almost slept in. No time for a shave, I spin around in the shower like Wonder Woman throw my work clothes on and out the door. Thankfully thin traffic for this early time of the morning so I get to the charity ahead of time. The days seem longer now, or maybe I'm just trying to do more stuff. While we continue to help people I will continue to volunteer. I still enjoy this.

I chat to Bongo Skyhook tonight. He is rehearsing his Skyhooks cover band, with a new lead singer. He has a gig for them coming up soon.

I see Trump loses the debate massively. Every red flag Kamala Harris waved at him, the dumb bull ran at it. Well played Harris. Trump will be desperate now , so expect copious amounts of lies, fear mongering and the usual Trump bullshit.

September 13th

Foggy & Wet. I woke up at sunrise so decided I would surprise my friend Libby and sneak into the Monbulk Salvo store and work their book, cd/dvd area. Just get it tidy and put out some more stock. If anyone is near Monbulk and wants to volunteer just go the Salvation Army store, it's on the main road at Monbulk. Plus Libby is gorgeous and fun.

Our little arty Split Enz MURDER video has been out for 6 months now. When we first made it I would have been thrilled to have 3000 views. We are a mere 350 views short of 10,000. So this is just a thank you to all the music fans and friends who supported this clip, shared it and went beyond the call of duty to promote it. Shout out to those who worked on this project , we do these things for free , the love of the music and the band. Of course a thank you to Split Enz for letting us run with this too. Nice when band members contact you with joy in their voice.

September 14th

Rain outside. That light , slow Tropical drizzle. Well not hot , in fact cold, 4 degrees. It snows twice, only a tiny bit but indeed it was snow.

I call my cousin David and wish him a Happy Birthday.

Last night on the way to Olinda to grab a Pizza I had a strange moment. I was driving near 5 Ways and looked to the right. High in the sky a very bright yellow ball moving very fast (South to North). It was certainly going at some super speed.. So bright the cloud layer out up. I had 3 cars in front of me and we all pulled over , and jumped out. It wasn't helicopter nor a drone. The speed was crazy so maybe a new type of plane or a "you know what". The young guy in the front car was the quickest with his phone, the rest of us useless and even he didn't capture it. All of a sudden it went bright orange, stopped and went straight upwards for about 8-10 seconds. It then blinked out like a dying Christmas globe. The lady , she was a nurse, very serious kept saying "Fuck, Fuck Fuck". Later she told me she never swears. The 3rd person a businessman in his little trim suit kept saying "Oh my God". I kept saying "Wow, OK". The Nurse goes ‘what shall we do now". My reply" get on with our lives". All the way to Olinda I kept one eye to the sky, but nothing more. Later I recalled hearing lots of dogs barking when the object was being watched by us.

I arrive at Olinda, my adrenalin was rushing like Niagra. I see Duncan at the Pizza shop looking skywards. He tells me his neighbours dog just escaped. I tell him about the object, trying not to sound like a stoner. I head to the IGA to buy some drinks. On the way out a road worker? Comes up to me and says he heard what I said and he saw it in the sky just outside of Montrose. Described it exactly as I did. Which was kind of a relief, the more that see this the happier I am. I get home and tell Marky who is as always very calm around such things. I felt a tiny bit creeped out walking in our house like something was watching me, just my imagination I am certain. Weird eh?

September 15th

It's a concern about the large number of nitazenes appearing in drugs like Cocaine in Australia. Hundreds of times more potent than heroin. It's linked to at least 17 overdose deaths in Victoria recently. So if you take recreational drugs please be careful.

I mail my Mum some elastic bands because she needed some. Crazy I know but one less thing for my sister to do.

We watch the Chuck Berry movie from 2018, we've already seen the one that Keith Richards was involved in. I love that Gary Lee Clark Jr was in it as he is such a great blues player. We enjoyed it (thanks SBS streaming) but still preferred the previous Chuck Berry one.

September 16th

The cold weather continues, the East Lawn covered in ice. Midnights walking around making complaining cat noises, she wants the warm weather back. I tell her to stop her moaning in her luscious fur coat.

I'm having a chat with Tim's manager at 4.00 today. Hopefully they will add our Tim Finn YouTube video (Escapade Interview) to Tims Facebook page. The red vinyl is ticking over in sales, not massive but it keeps ESCAPADE in the ARIA top 500.

I'm still catching up on my emails since our Internet dropped off the face of the planet. Nice that Mal Green (Split Enz) sent me a little musical moment that he worked on. Interesting drum work on it. I let it play as backing while I work in the office. My toes are freezing today, 3 degrees outside, even my super socks are not working. I need to train Midnight to sit on my feet. A terrible typo, it became "shit on my feet". NO!!!!!!!

September 17th

A rare moment where I took today off from charity. Helped someone with moving the other day and my back a tiny bit raw. I take so few days off so I doubt the boss will care too much. I just didn't want to make my back worse.

I get some back cream at the chemist and call in for a coffee. Still cold outside, hanging out for some warm weather. It's rather miserable for many who get some log cabin fever up here during such days.

I archive for a few hours in the office, mostly bits & pieces from that first Finn Brothers Australian Tour. Good news as the live clip we put up recently ("Astronaut") has gone past our target number, so thank you everyone, we are glad you enjoyed it. Some brilliant comments. I do love that song. Good timing that I filmed it, the only time they played it on that tour- the first time it was ever played live?

Homemade Pizza for dinner tonight, it's been awhile since I've made them. Let's hope I remember how, as I do make them from scratch. I pick a few herbs from the garden too, might as well add them on top for some extra flavour.

September 18th

The weather has turned and it's a stunner of a day. Loads of people stop and sit in front of the Olinda bakery. It's really nice community here, people up for a chat and a laugh. Big shout out to Mick. Aaron has one of her mutts with her so yet again I get to hang out with the dogs.

I finally get home in time for Markys Youtube Wednesday. It's a cool one, our beloved Paul Hester up front singing "Italian Plastic". We filmed it at The Palace, St Kilda. The Palace used to be next to The Palais Theatre. It's July 25th 1991. Paul and Nick having some fun chat onstage too. A few screams from the crowd, I have a memory that it was an all ages gig. Anyway it is a wonderful version. Enjoy it here

A quick supermarket shop by myself. There is this amazing moon outside , huge and bright behind the skeletal trees on our property. Rather stunning. I'm fast at supermarket shopping these days and home before Mark finishes having a shave. We settle in for a night of SBS/ABC streaming and I wear a Kangaroo costume and we have endless sex. OK that was just to make sure you are still hanging in here suffering this extended F/16 diary. It was really a Platypus suit.

September 19th

I try a short cut to work and end up in a cul de sac and feel only slightly stupid. Thankfully it's only the road next door and arrive with plenty of time to spare. Sometimes you shouldn't change things that are working.

Coming home I see a huge rainbow over the top of our mountain. I take a snap of it from the car for my Facebook crew. Some suggest the pot of gold at the end is at our house. Well maybe. No pot at our house though but plenty growing wild in the forest.

September 20th

I see Kylie Minogue announces some tour dates for Australia. Early 2025 and I'm sure she will do well. Many won't admit that they like a few Kylie tracks, I for one will, I loved ‘Padam Padam'. I keep searching for a red vinyl picture cover 45 of that single and I keep missing out. So if anyone wants to surprise me (Kylie are you reading this?) please spoil me by mailing a copy to my PO Box. Hey worth a try. HA. I want ‘Padam Padam' to go into our jukebox. I've given up finding one here.

Someone mentions our Split Enz MURDER video on the Pearl Jam page and it jumps past 9700 views. Well Mr Vedder is a fan. Was it Ed under fake name?

September 21st

Midnight spends the morning in bed with me, she cat snores in my ear. It's cold outside so she appreciates the warm bed.

I'm at the bakery and run into a friend of ours Joy. She owned "Five Ways" near the look out at Kalorama and was always nice to us when we first moved up here. So when she sits down and tells me her husband Brian just passed away it was a shock. My Mum calls mid conversation and Joy takes my phone and tells my Mum just how proud she (Joy) is of both Mark and myself and that we were the most gorgeous generous men. I was bit speechless and also so very sad for her. Anyway some sadness this morning. I promise that we will both drop in and see her for tea and cake very soon. It's shitty losing your partner late in life.

I put some Pansy and Carnation seeds in. Yes I know I hate carnations but all these seeds were free so what the hell. Whatever adds some colour. Meanwhile the Red Sorrell and the Purple Carrots in the big blue pot on the decking are perfect. I think mixing Markys coffee grounds into the soil has worked wonders. Miss Midnight gives the carrot tops a big swat with her paw.

Mark is scanning a lot of Enz articles for me, really for the archives. We both have a laugh that one of the 93 NZ articles lists Paul Hester on drums as Paul Hewson. We didn't know Bono joined Split Enz. Good ol' NZ Press. HA!

September 22nd

Happy 66th Birthday to Joan Jett. She was 16 when she joined the Runaways. We love Joan and her giant passionate rock'n'roll heart. So I play nothing but Joan Jett in the office all afternoon. Rock On Joan Jett now blow out those candles baby! My first Joan Jett gig was The Palais in Melbourne. I had a photographers pass so enjoyed the show from the Orchestra put in front. That was way back in December 1982. Great gig.

We watched "Mr Nobody" the 2009 science fiction drama film., Written and directed by Jaco Van Dermal. It's a tale about choice and young lad Nemo has to make such impossible decisions. Nemo Nobody , 118 year old man who is the last mortal on Earth. The human race has achieved quasi-immortality. It certainly is a Cult film, the cinematography is wonderful. I'm sure it does peoples heads in too. A total box office flop, like most good cult films are. Marks criticism was that it was far too long. He's probably right.

I arrive home to see a cat chasing Midnight around our yard. I pursue them both around the yard and evict the attacker. Midnight spends the rest of the day inside. I'm not even sure if she realises she is a cat!

I'm going to spoil Marky tonight and make him his favourite Indian Pastries.

Well that's the end of this special 3 week F/16 diary. Did you get through it without falling asleep? Big thank you to Deb too as always.

We hope all the readers are healthy and happy.

xx PG.

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