
The Life and Times of Peter Green
Archive: 5 August - 18 August 2024

birthday boy

Happy Birthday Enz Bassist Nigel Griggs.

August 5th

I dream a lot last night, my dreaming is now stretching to the moment I wake up. No bad dreams, no scary dreams, none where I jump up with a start. Usually Miss Kitty wakes me up with a gentle clawless pat on the head. I am the pet. "Wake Up Dream Boy" she says.

I am excited as Finn the dog hangs out with me this morning. Usually a few times a week. He is this lovely B&W border collie, every so often I do start singing "Black & White Boy" to him. His friend is Charlie. "Wake Up Charlie rise & shine".

"And you're full of the wondrous spring, It's all sweetness and lightness you bring, And a room full of people fall to your infinite charm….."

Are the rumours true- 50% Lester, 25% Hessie, 25% me? OK 5% me? Well we did live next door, so who the fuck knows, only Neil and maybe after a joint not even him. Ha! I always wondered if the "run like a cat to the cream" relates to Lester sticking his head into the cat door and licking up the bowl of extra cream we left for Hairball at the time. Lester the dog would sneak off from the Finns daily and visit and steal our food, & Hairballs cat food-ok, mostly we gave it to him, no wonder he put on weight. Good days at the Woodface Apartment and Finn Mansion. RIP Lester, RIP Paul.

My good buddy Josephine puts up our live "Whispers & Moans" clip on her Crowded House Facebook page, the fans love it. Great she gave it a share. We appreciate it a lot. Thanks Crowded House & Frenz Facebook page. Big shout out to Kimberley M too spreading the good word on our videos.

I try to chainsaw the remainder of the fallen tree but it's too big, I need a bigger chainsaw. Sometimes you just need a bloke with a big…chainsaw.

August 6th

Kamala Harris edges ahead of Trump. 45.5 to 44.1 I think she is rattling him and he doesn't know how to adapt. Just the same old bullshit but hopefully it won't work this time. I'm sure the memory of Hillary resurfaces in the Democrats brains.

We have dinner at Kelly's tonight, the Tavern full of locals, people come up and say ‘hello' which is nice.

August 7th

I think my body is fighting some cold or something, a headache. My niece has the same thing but she gets an infection. My immune system will fight this and it will be gone quickly. So many bugs floating around at the moment.

I love that 14 year old Arisa Trew won a gold medal for Skateboarding at the Olympics- now that is COOL! Good one Australia.

Pay 2 bills and that is it, we owe nothing. That always feels good. We are still considering ditching Foxtel. I hear the Murdochs might be selling it, if the new people get rid of some of the tools at Sky News we might even keep our subscription.

August 8th

Home early, so I put in some bulbs. Some Stella D'oro, which is a day Lilly, low maintenance, 3 blazing star bulbs, this Liatris is a summer flowering perennial, wildflower native to Nth America. Bee's love the purple bottle brush plants. They should add bit more colour to Ailsa Craig.

I go for a hike and visit the old wizard that lives deep within the forest up here. He gives me the very last Dragon Egg on planet Earth. I did have to haggle for it. Or i simply went to my favourite fruit shop and bought a Kamiya Papaya. I think I prefer my Dragon Egg fantasy. It looks very cool, someone points out it looks like one of the eggs from the Alien movies. Hope it doesn't hatch, well unless it's a Dragon or a Gryphon, that would be ok.

August 9th

I plant a Sicily purple cauliflower plant. It produces brilliant purple cauliflower heads within 18 weeks. It's part of the heirloom range. I think I just like the striking purple in the veggie patch. It's still in Winter mode so not a lot growing going on.

Our email company have been a total pain in the arse. Sick of dealing with their "Bot" rubbish, renewing your email address shouldn't be this much bullshit. Grrrr Grrrr. Good grief I am having a whinge in this diary, sorry folks, not like me.

August 10th

The weather turns for the worse and I stop and give Pauline a lift. Lots of community chat over coffee this morning- Carol, John and Bev. Our neighbour Carol is getting her mates to watch our Split Enz "Murder" video. She says her friends are our age and love the music of the Enz. I wonder what they will think of the Enz ‘Murder' Puppets?

Well Carol was true to her word, our little arty "Murder" video hit 9000 views this afternoon. That makes me smile. The equivalent of two Festival Halls, all watching our clip. Fabulous. Our largest viewing day for 2 months. That is great. Keep spreading the word on Split Enz "Murder".

August 11th

The sun returns and another perfect day on the mountain. We mostly hit the gardens and remove some of the blackberries and the annoying Ivy. We only have 2 acres but it never seems to end. Don't get me wrong we still love it here but Mother Nature just goes for it as soon as we turn our backs.

I check out another rather excellent house that I have found on Magnetic Island. It certainly has potential. The same agent that we know from previous visits. I will let fate do its thing, I remind myself just to relax and let the world pick me up and continue to take me on that incredible journey. I need to have more faith in my life stream. Just float and let it take me where ever it will. Oh I'm such a fucking hippy. LOL.

August 12th

Out of the 7 major Polls , Harris is now ahead in 5, a tie in 1 and Trump ahead by 1 point in the other (he was previously ahead by 6). So team Harris must be smiling. Still a long way to go, love for her to be the next President. Trump is a brainless flog, he shits me the same way that halfwit Abbott annoyed me.

48% of homes in Kalorama have solar installed now. We need around 35 more homes to pass the 50% mark. It will happen over the next month I guess. Our solar panels still churning out the energy and our power bill so cheap. I love solar. It's been 25 years since we first put up panels at Prahran.

I spend some of the afternoon on the big ladder in the lounge room doing some anti-mould work on the roof. The joys of living in a national park, we do this every few years. Tedious but it has to be done.

I finish reading "Cover-Up at Roswell". Exposing the 70 year conspiracy to suppress the truth. This Ronald Schmitt book is great, my favourite piece is the time-line at the end. Pretty much handing over as many facts as possible to the reader. My thoughts on Roswell keep changing. The Schmitt book is certainly compelling, an enjoyable fascinating read.

August 13th

My day starts with discount petrol and free coffee thanks to my Qantas life member card. A bit short staffed at the charity and a few times I felt myself being pulled left right and centre. By the afternoon I'm the only guy left surrounded by crazy glorious woman. We all work very hard today.

Two Trump nutters "attack" some friends of mine on Facebook. They are outgunned as all our mates come to their rescue and tell them to basically go fuck themselves. The nutty Trump supporters are like some rabid pack animal, but when confronted by a bigger pack they soon turn on their cowardly arses and run. Good to see. No one fucks with our mates.

I felt so sorry for Nate this morning, he had an on air panic attack during his weather segment. I guess the tiny positive is that his attacks spread awareness of the disorder. I felt very sad for him though, especially happening on the TVs of thousands of ABC viewers. Hang in there buddy.

I need to watch "Long Weekend" again -starring John Hargreaves and Briony Behets. "When a suburban couple go camping for the weekend at a remote beach, they discover that nature isn't in an accommodating mood". It's an Australian psychological thriller film shot in 1978. Certainly a favourite of ours and I had bit of thing for Mr Hargreaves. Briony is a bit cute too, she has such sad eyes.

August 14th

Marky's Youtube Wednesday and today's is a bit of a classic. Crowded House live- performing the mega hit "Don't Dream It's Over". Marky balancing on 2 tables and a chair on top, filmed this at the two fan club shows- Corner Hotel, before the famous Opera House Farewell Concert. It sounds great and the cheeky little ending bit always makes me laugh. I remember Dugald pinching Marky on the arse to try and take him off his filming game. HA!

I made Spinach & Feta Pie for dinner. It tasted great.

August 15th

Jay the driver hangs out with us at the charity, Nicole and myself help him move some big furniture pieces that are being delivered to peoples homes. One almost crushes his finger. He's a good bloke, we are fortunate to have such good eggs working around us-plus he gets my sense of humour. Someone has to! LOL.

I put out a dozen freshly cleaned vinyl records and they are gobbled up straight away. I just wish we could offer more , my little area has quite a solid bunch of collectors come in these days. It makes some buck$ for the charity , I'm happy about that.

August 16th

A nice morning turns to grey and rain by 10.00. I was going to catch up with Andy White today but I had to blow it out as I'm expecting calls in the office from one of the major TV stations around using some of our footage in an up coming music documentary.

I clear the PO Box 50 and a lovely surprise present from our friend Wendy C. She spoils her boys so much. I'm always left a bit speechless. Such a kind heart. I love our friends.

I sit with my sketch art book and do some very rough layouts around my "Paparazzi" piece of art. I managed to get a 1960's Kinoflex camera. My art idea will be a silkscreen design and hand painted of 20 Kinoflex images, different colours, yeah good ol' Andy's soup cans yet again. It always works, it did so with my BEX boxes. I have the art canvas already so just need to photograph the camera, USB, make the silkscreen and buy some extra paint. Plus I need to find an entire weekend and make myself work on this, no stuffing around Mr Green.

"Creating Art is good for your soul" (PG).

August 17th

I am allowed to sleep in this grey Saturday. Even Miss Kitty didn't disturb me. Nothing outrageous, I was awake by 9.00. Marky woke me up with his door banging, you'd think after I am so quiet when I leave for charity or disasters that he'd return the favour.

I give one of Markys videos a push to get it over the 1000 views target. I message a few people asking if they can give it view. We just need 40 views. Make that 37, no 33, no 26, no 21, no 19. I know by the evening we'll pass the 1000 target. Our friends are great, they all love music and so supportive of what we do, it's really generous too. They must get sick of me at times begging for views.

I manage the tiniest bit of yard work, but the weather is poxy so I work on this diary for most of the afternoon. My head is off in the clouds, day dreaming of Magnetic Island, sunshine, warmth, margaritas and swimming around the reef with Mark. As a couple we are probably at our best when we are off exploring the island. Just the two of us against the world.

There is break in the weather so I head off with Midnight and clean around the two fountains in the yard. I'd forgotten how much blackberries love fountains especially when the water gets nutrient darker. I fill the rest of the green bin with them. Midnight turns into a baby kitten again and jumps around with leaves and springs out of the native plants to try and scare me. She is way too cute. She burns up so much energy, like Banshee she will be lean and a giant furball on legs. Not going to be a fat cat, she has too much to explore and burns up that energy.

I check on our Youtube page before dinner and yes, we've gone past the 1000 mark with the elusive video clip. Thanks everyone.

August 18th

Happy 75th Birthday to Enzman Nigel Griggs.

Those Enz lads are getting on, hell we all are I guess. Just keep passing the open windows and don't jump! It must be strange being in a band when people pass away, last man standing etc . The music will out live all of us, and hopefully new generations will find some joy in it. I guess that is why our videos hold some importance, little time capsules from tours and events.

The Logies are on tonight, yes our yearly "bitch-fest". Usually we bitch around peoples exceptionally bad fashion sense and the public votes overall are horrid. We do cheer loudly when ABC and SBS win a few just because they are the underdogs. We certainly don't take the Logies seriously. A bit of giggle I guess. I just wish they'd get some half decent musical guests - as Mark says "toilet break".

So the end of another diary.

Stay Happy.

PG x

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